Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import * as React from "react";
import type { Render, BaseRender } from "./Render.js";
type ValidSnapshot = void | (object & {
call?: never;
/** only used for passing around data internally */
declare const _stackTrace: unique symbol;
/** @internal */
export interface NextRenderOptions {
timeout?: number;
[_stackTrace]?: string;
/** @internal */
interface ProfilerProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
/** @internal */
export interface Profiler<Snapshot> extends React.FC<ProfilerProps>, ProfiledComponentFields<Snapshot>, ProfiledComponentOnlyFields<Snapshot> {
interface ReplaceSnapshot<Snapshot> {
(newSnapshot: Snapshot): void;
(updateSnapshot: (lastSnapshot: Readonly<Snapshot>) => Snapshot): void;
interface MergeSnapshot<Snapshot> {
(partialSnapshot: Partial<Snapshot>): void;
(updatePartialSnapshot: (lastSnapshot: Readonly<Snapshot>) => Partial<Snapshot>): void;
interface ProfiledComponentOnlyFields<Snapshot> {
mergeSnapshot: MergeSnapshot<Snapshot>;
replaceSnapshot: ReplaceSnapshot<Snapshot>;
interface ProfiledComponentFields<Snapshot> {
* An array of all renders that have happened so far.
* Errors thrown during component render will be captured here, too.
renders: Array<Render<Snapshot> | {
phase: "snapshotError";
count: number;
error: unknown;
* Peeks the next render from the current iterator position, without advancing the iterator.
* If no render has happened yet, it will wait for the next render to happen.
* @throws {WaitForRenderTimeoutError} if no render happens within the timeout
peekRender(options?: NextRenderOptions): Promise<Render<Snapshot>>;
* Iterates to the next render and returns it.
* If no render has happened yet, it will wait for the next render to happen.
* @throws {WaitForRenderTimeoutError} if no render happens within the timeout
takeRender(options?: NextRenderOptions): Promise<Render<Snapshot>>;
* Returns the total number of renders.
totalRenderCount(): number;
* Returns the current render.
* @throws {Error} if no render has happened yet
getCurrentRender(): Render<Snapshot>;
* Waits for the next render to happen.
* Does not advance the render iterator.
waitForNextRender(options?: NextRenderOptions): Promise<Render<Snapshot>>;
export interface ProfiledComponent<Snapshot extends ValidSnapshot, Props = {}> extends React.FC<Props>, ProfiledComponentFields<Snapshot>, ProfiledComponentOnlyFields<Snapshot> {
/** @internal */
export declare function profile<Snapshot extends ValidSnapshot = void, Props = {}>({ Component, ...options }: Parameters<typeof createProfiler<Snapshot>>[0] & {
Component: React.ComponentType<Props>;
}): ProfiledComponent<Snapshot, Props>;
/** @internal */
export declare function createProfiler<Snapshot extends ValidSnapshot = void>({ onRender, snapshotDOM, initialSnapshot, skipNonTrackingRenders, }?: {
onRender?: (info: BaseRender & {
snapshot: Snapshot;
replaceSnapshot: ReplaceSnapshot<Snapshot>;
mergeSnapshot: MergeSnapshot<Snapshot>;
}) => void;
snapshotDOM?: boolean;
initialSnapshot?: Snapshot;
* This will skip renders during which no renders tracked by
* `useTrackRenders` occured.
skipNonTrackingRenders?: boolean;
}): Profiler<Snapshot>;
/** @internal */
export declare class WaitForRenderTimeoutError extends Error {
type StringReplaceRenderWithSnapshot<T extends string> = T extends `${infer Pre}Render${infer Post}` ? `${Pre}Snapshot${Post}` : T;
type ResultReplaceRenderWithSnapshot<T> = T extends (...args: infer Args) => Render<infer Snapshot> ? (...args: Args) => Snapshot : T extends (...args: infer Args) => Promise<Render<infer Snapshot>> ? (...args: Args) => Promise<Snapshot> : T;
type ProfiledHookFields<ReturnValue> = ProfiledComponentFields<ReturnValue> extends infer PC ? {
[K in keyof PC as StringReplaceRenderWithSnapshot<K & string>]: ResultReplaceRenderWithSnapshot<PC[K]>;
} : never;
/** @internal */
export interface ProfiledHook<Props, ReturnValue> extends React.FC<Props>, ProfiledHookFields<ReturnValue> {
Profiler: Profiler<ReturnValue>;
/** @internal */
export declare function profileHook<ReturnValue extends ValidSnapshot, Props>(renderCallback: (props: Props) => ReturnValue): ProfiledHook<Props, ReturnValue>;
export declare function useTrackRenders({ name }?: {
name?: string;
}): void;
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=profile.d.ts.map