Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import type { ApolloQueryResult, ObservableQuery, OperationVariables, WatchQueryOptions } from "../../../core/index.js";
import type { PromiseWithState } from "../../../utilities/index.js";
import type { QueryKey } from "./types.js";
type QueryRefPromise<TData> = PromiseWithState<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>;
type Listener<TData> = (promise: QueryRefPromise<TData>) => void;
type FetchMoreOptions<TData> = Parameters<ObservableQuery<TData>["fetchMore"]>[0];
declare const QUERY_REFERENCE_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
declare const PROMISE_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
* A `QueryReference` is an opaque object returned by {@link useBackgroundQuery}.
* A child component reading the `QueryReference` via {@link useReadQuery} will
* suspend until the promise resolves.
export interface QueryReference<TData = unknown, TVariables = unknown> {
/** @internal */
readonly [QUERY_REFERENCE_SYMBOL]: InternalQueryReference<TData>;
/** @internal */
[PROMISE_SYMBOL]: QueryRefPromise<TData>;
* A function that returns a promise that resolves when the query has finished
* loading. The promise resolves with the `QueryReference` itself.
* @remarks
* This method is useful for preloading queries in data loading routers, such
* as [React Router](https://reactrouter.com/en/main) or [TanStack Router](https://tanstack.com/router),
* to prevent routes from transitioning until the query has finished loading.
* `data` is not exposed on the promise to discourage using the data in
* `loader` functions and exposing it to your route components. Instead, we
* prefer you rely on `useReadQuery` to access the data to ensure your
* component can rerender with cache updates. If you need to access raw query
* data, use `client.query()` directly.
* @example
* Here's an example using React Router's `loader` function:
* ```ts
* import { createQueryPreloader } from "@apollo/client";
* const preloadQuery = createQueryPreloader(client);
* export async function loader() {
* const queryRef = preloadQuery(GET_DOGS_QUERY);
* return queryRef.toPromise();
* }
* export function RouteComponent() {
* const queryRef = useLoaderData();
* const { data } = useReadQuery(queryRef);
* // ...
* }
* ```
* @alpha
toPromise(): Promise<QueryReference<TData, TVariables>>;
interface InternalQueryReferenceOptions {
onDispose?: () => void;
autoDisposeTimeoutMs?: number;
export declare function wrapQueryRef<TData, TVariables extends OperationVariables>(internalQueryRef: InternalQueryReference<TData>): QueryReference<TData, TVariables>;
export declare function getWrappedPromise<TData>(queryRef: QueryReference<TData, any>): QueryRefPromise<TData>;
export declare function unwrapQueryRef<TData>(queryRef: QueryReference<TData>): InternalQueryReference<TData>;
export declare function updateWrappedQueryRef<TData>(queryRef: QueryReference<TData>, promise: QueryRefPromise<TData>): void;
declare const OBSERVED_CHANGED_OPTIONS: readonly ["canonizeResults", "context", "errorPolicy", "fetchPolicy", "refetchWritePolicy", "returnPartialData"];
type ObservedOptions = Pick<WatchQueryOptions, (typeof OBSERVED_CHANGED_OPTIONS)[number]>;
export declare class InternalQueryReference<TData = unknown> {
result: ApolloQueryResult<TData>;
readonly key: QueryKey;
readonly observable: ObservableQuery<TData>;
promise: QueryRefPromise<TData>;
private subscription;
private listeners;
private autoDisposeTimeoutId?;
private resolve;
private reject;
private references;
constructor(observable: ObservableQuery<TData, any>, options: InternalQueryReferenceOptions);
get disposed(): boolean;
get watchQueryOptions(): WatchQueryOptions<OperationVariables, TData>;
reinitialize(): void;
retain(): () => void;
didChangeOptions(watchQueryOptions: ObservedOptions): boolean;
applyOptions(watchQueryOptions: ObservedOptions): QueryRefPromise<TData>;
listen(listener: Listener<TData>): () => void;
refetch(variables: OperationVariables | undefined): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>;
fetchMore(options: FetchMoreOptions<TData>): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>;
private dispose;
private onDispose;
private handleNext;
private handleError;
private deliver;
private initiateFetch;
private subscribeToQuery;
private setResult;
private createPendingPromise;
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=QueryReference.d.ts.map