Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

553 lines
22 KiB

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var globals = require('../utilities/globals');
var tsInvariant = require('ts-invariant');
const errorCodes =
1: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/entityStore.js",
condition: "typeof dataId === \"string\"",
message: "store.merge expects a string ID"
4: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/key-extractor.js",
condition: "extracted !== void 0",
message: "Missing field '%s' while extracting keyFields from %s"
5: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/policies.js",
condition: "!old || old === which",
message: "Cannot change root %s __typename more than once"
8: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/policies.js",
message: "Cannot automatically merge arrays"
9: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/readFromStore.js",
message: "No fragment named %s"
10: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/readFromStore.js",
condition: "!isReference(value)",
message: "Missing selection set for object of type %s returned for query field %s"
11: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/writeToStore.js",
message: "Could not identify object %s"
13: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/writeToStore.js",
message: "No fragment named %s"
15: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ApolloClient.js",
message: "To initialize Apollo Client, you must specify a 'cache' property " +
"in the options object. \n" +
"For more information, please visit: https://go.apollo.dev/c/docs"
16: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ApolloClient.js",
condition: "options.fetchPolicy !== \"cache-and-network\"",
message: "The cache-and-network fetchPolicy does not work with client.query, because " +
"client.query can only return a single result. Please use client.watchQuery " +
"to receive multiple results from the cache and the network, or consider " +
"using a different fetchPolicy, such as cache-first or network-only."
18: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/LocalState.js",
condition: "fragment",
message: "No fragment named %s"
19: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/LocalState.js",
condition: "fragment",
message: "No fragment named %s"
22: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ObservableQuery.js",
condition: "pollInterval",
message: "Attempted to start a polling query without a polling interval."
25: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
message: "QueryManager stopped while query was in flight"
26: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
condition: "mutation",
message: "mutation option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document in the mutation option."
27: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
condition: "fetchPolicy === \"network-only\" || fetchPolicy === \"no-cache\"",
message: "Mutations support only 'network-only' or 'no-cache' fetchPolicy strings. The default `network-only` behavior automatically writes mutation results to the cache. Passing `no-cache` skips the cache write."
28: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
condition: "options.query",
message: "query option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document " +
"in the query option."
29: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
condition: "options.query.kind === \"Document\"",
message: 'You must wrap the query string in a "gql" tag.'
30: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
condition: "!options.returnPartialData",
message: "returnPartialData option only supported on watchQuery."
31: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
condition: "!options.pollInterval",
message: "pollInterval option only supported on watchQuery."
32: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
message: "Store reset while query was in flight (not completed in link chain)"
36: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/core/ApolloLink.js",
message: "request is not implemented"
37: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/http/checkFetcher.js",
message: "\n\"fetch\" has not been found globally and no fetcher has been configured. To fix this, install a fetch package (like https://www.npmjs.com/package/cross-fetch), instantiate the fetcher, and pass it into your HttpLink constructor. For example:\n\nimport fetch from 'cross-fetch';\nimport { ApolloClient, HttpLink } from '@apollo/client';\nconst client = new ApolloClient({\n link: new HttpLink({ uri: '/graphql', fetch })\n});\n "
39: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/http/serializeFetchParameter.js",
message: "Network request failed. %s is not serializable: %s"
40: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/persisted-queries/index.js",
condition: "options &&\n (typeof options.sha256 === \"function\" ||\n typeof options.generateHash === \"function\")",
message: 'Missing/invalid "sha256" or "generateHash" function. Please ' +
'configure one using the "createPersistedQueryLink(options)" options ' +
41: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/persisted-queries/index.js",
condition: "forward",
message: "PersistedQueryLink cannot be the last link in the chain."
43: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/utils/validateOperation.js",
message: "illegal argument: %s"
44: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/context/ApolloConsumer.js",
condition: "context && context.client",
message: 'Could not find "client" in the context of ApolloConsumer. ' +
"Wrap the root component in an <ApolloProvider>."
45: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/context/ApolloContext.js",
condition: "\"createContext\" in React",
message: "Invoking `getApolloContext` in an environment where `React.createContext` is not available.\n" +
"The Apollo Client functionality you are trying to use is only available in React Client Components.\n" +
'Please make sure to add "use client" at the top of your file.\n' +
"For more information, see https://nextjs.org/docs/getting-started/react-essentials#client-components"
46: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/context/ApolloProvider.js",
condition: "context.client",
message: "ApolloProvider was not passed a client instance. Make " +
'sure you pass in your client via the "client" prop.'
47: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hoc/hoc-utils.js",
condition: "this.withRef",
message: "To access the wrapped instance, you need to specify " +
"{ withRef: true } in the options"
48: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hoc/withApollo.js",
condition: "operationOptions.withRef",
message: "To access the wrapped instance, you need to specify " +
"{ withRef: true } in the options"
49: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useApolloClient.js",
condition: "!!client",
message: 'Could not find "client" in the context or passed in as an option. ' +
"Wrap the root component in an <ApolloProvider>, or pass an ApolloClient " +
"instance in via options."
50: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useLoadableQuery.js",
condition: "!calledDuringRender()",
message: "useLoadableQuery: 'loadQuery' should not be called during render. To start a query during render, use the 'useBackgroundQuery' hook."
56: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useSuspenseQuery.js",
condition: "supportedFetchPolicies.includes(fetchPolicy)",
message: "The fetch policy `%s` is not supported with suspense."
59: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/parser/index.js",
condition: "!!document && !!document.kind",
message: "Argument of %s passed to parser was not a valid GraphQL " +
"DocumentNode. You may need to use 'graphql-tag' or another method " +
"to convert your operation into a document"
60: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/parser/index.js",
condition: "!fragments.length ||\n queries.length ||\n mutations.length ||\n subscriptions.length",
message: "Passing only a fragment to 'graphql' is not yet supported. " +
"You must include a query, subscription or mutation as well"
61: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/parser/index.js",
condition: "queries.length + mutations.length + subscriptions.length <= 1",
message: "react-apollo only supports a query, subscription, or a mutation per HOC. " +
"%s had %s queries, %s " +
"subscriptions and %s mutations. " +
"You can use 'compose' to join multiple operation types to a component"
62: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/parser/index.js",
condition: "definitions.length === 1",
message: "react-apollo only supports one definition per HOC. %s had " +
"%s definitions. " +
"You can use 'compose' to join multiple operation types to a component"
63: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/parser/index.js",
condition: "operation.type === type",
message: "Running a %s requires a graphql " + "%s, but a %s was used instead."
64: {
file: "@apollo/client/testing/core/mocking/mockLink.js",
condition: "queryWithoutConnection",
message: "query is required"
65: {
file: "@apollo/client/testing/core/mocking/mockLink.js",
condition: "mockedResponse.maxUsageCount > 0",
message: "Mock response maxUsageCount must be greater than 0, %s given"
66: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/DocumentTransform.js",
condition: "Array.isArray(cacheKeys)",
message: "`getCacheKey` must return an array or undefined"
67: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/directives.js",
condition: "evaledValue !== void 0",
message: "Invalid variable referenced in @%s directive."
68: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/directives.js",
condition: "directiveArguments && directiveArguments.length === 1",
message: "Incorrect number of arguments for the @%s directive."
69: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/directives.js",
condition: "ifArgument.name && ifArgument.name.value === \"if\"",
message: "Invalid argument for the @%s directive."
70: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/directives.js",
condition: "ifValue &&\n (ifValue.kind === \"Variable\" || ifValue.kind === \"BooleanValue\")",
message: "Argument for the @%s directive must be a variable or a boolean value."
71: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/fragments.js",
message: "Found a %s operation%s. " +
"No operations are allowed when using a fragment as a query. Only fragments are allowed."
72: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/fragments.js",
condition: "fragments.length === 1",
message: "Found %s fragments. `fragmentName` must be provided when there is not exactly 1 fragment."
73: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/fragments.js",
condition: "fragment",
message: "No fragment named %s"
74: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
condition: "doc && doc.kind === \"Document\"",
message: "Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query string in a \"gql\" tag? http://docs.apollostack.com/apollo-client/core.html#gql"
75: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
message: "Schema type definitions not allowed in queries. Found: \"%s\""
76: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
condition: "operations.length <= 1",
message: "Ambiguous GraphQL document: contains %s operations"
77: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
condition: "queryDef && queryDef.operation === \"query\"",
message: "Must contain a query definition."
78: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
condition: "doc.kind === \"Document\"",
message: "Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query string in a \"gql\" tag? http://docs.apollostack.com/apollo-client/core.html#gql"
79: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
condition: "doc.definitions.length <= 1",
message: "Fragment must have exactly one definition."
80: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
condition: "fragmentDef.kind === \"FragmentDefinition\"",
message: "Must be a fragment definition."
81: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.js",
message: "Expected a parsed GraphQL query with a query, mutation, subscription, or a fragment."
82: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/storeUtils.js",
message: "The inline argument \"%s\" of kind \"%s\"" +
"is not supported. Use variables instead of inline arguments to " +
"overcome this limitation."
const devDebug = {
17: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ApolloClient.js",
message: "In client.refetchQueries, Promise.all promise rejected with error %o"
24: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ObservableQuery.js",
message: "Missing cache result fields: %o"
const devLog = {};
const devWarn = {
2: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/entityStore.js",
message: "cache.modify: You are trying to write a Reference that is not part of the store: %o\n" +
"Please make sure to set the `mergeIntoStore` parameter to `true` when creating a Reference that is not part of the store yet:\n" +
"`toReference(object, true)`"
3: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/entityStore.js",
message: "cache.modify: Writing an array with a mix of both References and Objects will not result in the Objects being normalized correctly.\n" +
"Please convert the object instance %o to a Reference before writing it to the cache by calling `toReference(object, true)`."
6: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/policies.js",
message: "Inferring subtype %s of supertype %s"
7: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/policies.js",
message: "Undefined 'from' passed to readField with arguments %s"
14: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/writeToStore.js",
message: "Cache data may be lost when replacing the %s field of a %s object.\n\nThis could cause additional (usually avoidable) network requests to fetch data that were otherwise cached.\n\nTo address this problem (which is not a bug in Apollo Client), %sdefine a custom merge function for the %s field, so InMemoryCache can safely merge these objects:\n\n existing: %o\n incoming: %o\n\nFor more information about these options, please refer to the documentation:\n\n * Ensuring entity objects have IDs: https://go.apollo.dev/c/generating-unique-identifiers\n * Defining custom merge functions: https://go.apollo.dev/c/merging-non-normalized-objects\n"
20: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ObservableQuery.js",
message: "Called refetch(%o) for query %o, which does not declare a $variables variable.\nDid you mean to call refetch(variables) instead of refetch({ variables })?"
33: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
message: "Unknown query named \"%s\" requested in refetchQueries options.include array"
34: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/QueryManager.js",
message: "Unknown query %o requested in refetchQueries options.include array"
35: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/core/ApolloLink.js",
message: "You are calling concat on a terminating link, which will have no effect %o"
38: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/http/createHttpLink.js",
message: "Multipart-subscriptions do not support @defer"
42: {
file: "@apollo/client/link/utils/toPromise.js",
message: "Promise Wrapper does not support multiple results from Observable"
51: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useQuery.js",
message: "Calling default no-op implementation of InternalState#forceUpdate"
52: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useSubscription.js",
message: "'useSubscription' supports only the 'onSubscriptionData' or 'onData' option, but not both. Only the 'onData' option will be used."
53: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useSubscription.js",
message: "'onSubscriptionData' is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version. Please use the 'onData' option instead."
54: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useSubscription.js",
message: "'useSubscription' supports only the 'onSubscriptionComplete' or 'onComplete' option, but not both. Only the 'onComplete' option will be used."
55: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useSubscription.js",
message: "'onSubscriptionComplete' is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version. Please use the 'onComplete' option instead."
57: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useSuspenseQuery.js",
message: "Using `returnPartialData` with a `no-cache` fetch policy has no effect. To read partial data from the cache, consider using an alternate fetch policy."
84: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/transform.js",
message: "Removing an @connection directive even though it does not have a key. " +
"You may want to use the key parameter to specify a store key."
const devError = {
12: {
file: "@apollo/client/cache/inmemory/writeToStore.js",
message: "Missing field '%s' while writing result %o"
21: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ObservableQuery.js",
message: "Unhandled GraphQL subscription error"
23: {
file: "@apollo/client/core/ObservableQuery.js",
message: "Unhandled error"
58: {
file: "@apollo/client/react/hooks/useSyncExternalStore.js",
message: "The result of getSnapshot should be cached to avoid an infinite loop"
83: {
file: "@apollo/client/utilities/graphql/transform.js",
message: "Could not find operation or fragment"
var version = "3.9.5";
function maybe(thunk) {
try {
return thunk();
catch (_a) { }
var global$1 = (maybe(function () { return globalThis; }) ||
maybe(function () { return window; }) ||
maybe(function () { return self; }) ||
maybe(function () { return global; }) ||
maybe(function () {
return maybe.constructor("return this")();
var prefixCounts = new Map();
function makeUniqueId(prefix) {
var count = prefixCounts.get(prefix) || 1;
prefixCounts.set(prefix, count + 1);
return "".concat(prefix, ":").concat(count, ":").concat(Math.random().toString(36).slice(2));
function stringifyForDisplay(value, space) {
if (space === void 0) { space = 0; }
var undefId = makeUniqueId("stringifyForDisplay");
return JSON.stringify(value, function (key, value) {
return value === void 0 ? undefId : value;
}, space)
function wrap(fn) {
return function (message) {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
if (typeof message === "number") {
var arg0 = message;
message = getHandledErrorMsg(arg0);
if (!message) {
message = getFallbackErrorMsg(arg0, args);
args = [];
fn.apply(void 0, [message].concat(args));
Object.assign(function invariant(condition, message) {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
if (!condition) {
tsInvariant.invariant(condition, getHandledErrorMsg(message, args) || getFallbackErrorMsg(message, args));
}, {
debug: wrap(tsInvariant.invariant.debug),
log: wrap(tsInvariant.invariant.log),
warn: wrap(tsInvariant.invariant.warn),
error: wrap(tsInvariant.invariant.error),
var ApolloErrorMessageHandler = Symbol.for("ApolloErrorMessageHandler_" + version);
function stringify(arg) {
return typeof arg == "string" ? arg : (stringifyForDisplay(arg, 2).slice(0, 1000));
function getHandledErrorMsg(message, messageArgs) {
if (messageArgs === void 0) { messageArgs = []; }
if (!message)
return (global$1[ApolloErrorMessageHandler] &&
global$1[ApolloErrorMessageHandler](message, messageArgs.map(stringify)));
function getFallbackErrorMsg(message, messageArgs) {
if (messageArgs === void 0) { messageArgs = []; }
if (!message)
return "An error occurred! For more details, see the full error text at https://go.apollo.dev/c/err#".concat(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
version: version,
message: message,
args: messageArgs.map(stringify),
function loadErrorMessageHandler() {
var errorCodes = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
errorCodes[_i] = arguments[_i];
if (!globals.global[ApolloErrorMessageHandler]) {
globals.global[ApolloErrorMessageHandler] = handler;
for (var _a = 0, errorCodes_1 = errorCodes; _a < errorCodes_1.length; _a++) {
var codes = errorCodes_1[_a];
Object.assign(globals.global[ApolloErrorMessageHandler], codes);
return globals.global[ApolloErrorMessageHandler];
function handler(message, args) {
if (typeof message === "number") {
var definition = globals.global[ApolloErrorMessageHandler][message];
if (!message || !(definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.message))
message = definition.message;
return args.reduce(function (msg, arg) { return msg.replace(/%[sdfo]/, String(arg)); }, String(message));
function loadDevMessages() {
loadErrorMessageHandler(devDebug, devError, devLog, devWarn);
function loadErrorMessages() {
exports.loadDevMessages = loadDevMessages;
exports.loadErrorMessageHandler = loadErrorMessageHandler;
exports.loadErrorMessages = loadErrorMessages;
//# sourceMappingURL=dev.cjs.map