Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
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import { invariant } from '../../../jsutils/invariant.mjs';
import { GraphQLError } from '../../../error/GraphQLError.mjs';
import { getNamedType, isInputObjectType } from '../../../type/definition.mjs';
* No deprecated
* A GraphQL document is only valid if all selected fields and all used enum values have not been
* deprecated.
* Note: This rule is optional and is not part of the Validation section of the GraphQL
* Specification. The main purpose of this rule is detection of deprecated usages and not
* necessarily to forbid their use when querying a service.
export function NoDeprecatedCustomRule(context) {
return {
Field(node) {
const fieldDef = context.getFieldDef();
const deprecationReason =
fieldDef === null || fieldDef === void 0
? void 0
: fieldDef.deprecationReason;
if (fieldDef && deprecationReason != null) {
const parentType = context.getParentType();
parentType != null || invariant(false);
new GraphQLError(
`The field ${parentType.name}.${fieldDef.name} is deprecated. ${deprecationReason}`,
nodes: node,
Argument(node) {
const argDef = context.getArgument();
const deprecationReason =
argDef === null || argDef === void 0
? void 0
: argDef.deprecationReason;
if (argDef && deprecationReason != null) {
const directiveDef = context.getDirective();
if (directiveDef != null) {
new GraphQLError(
`Directive "@${directiveDef.name}" argument "${argDef.name}" is deprecated. ${deprecationReason}`,
nodes: node,
} else {
const parentType = context.getParentType();
const fieldDef = context.getFieldDef();
(parentType != null && fieldDef != null) || invariant(false);
new GraphQLError(
`Field "${parentType.name}.${fieldDef.name}" argument "${argDef.name}" is deprecated. ${deprecationReason}`,
nodes: node,
ObjectField(node) {
const inputObjectDef = getNamedType(context.getParentInputType());
if (isInputObjectType(inputObjectDef)) {
const inputFieldDef = inputObjectDef.getFields()[node.name.value];
const deprecationReason =
inputFieldDef === null || inputFieldDef === void 0
? void 0
: inputFieldDef.deprecationReason;
if (deprecationReason != null) {
new GraphQLError(
`The input field ${inputObjectDef.name}.${inputFieldDef.name} is deprecated. ${deprecationReason}`,
nodes: node,
EnumValue(node) {
const enumValueDef = context.getEnumValue();
const deprecationReason =
enumValueDef === null || enumValueDef === void 0
? void 0
: enumValueDef.deprecationReason;
if (enumValueDef && deprecationReason != null) {
const enumTypeDef = getNamedType(context.getInputType());
enumTypeDef != null || invariant(false);
new GraphQLError(
`The enum value "${enumTypeDef.name}.${enumValueDef.name}" is deprecated. ${deprecationReason}`,
nodes: node,