Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true,
exports.SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule = SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule;
var _GraphQLError = require('../../error/GraphQLError.js');
var _kinds = require('../../language/kinds.js');
var _collectFields = require('../../execution/collectFields.js');
* Subscriptions must only include a non-introspection field.
* A GraphQL subscription is valid only if it contains a single root field and
* that root field is not an introspection field.
* See https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-Single-root-field
function SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule(context) {
return {
OperationDefinition(node) {
if (node.operation === 'subscription') {
const schema = context.getSchema();
const subscriptionType = schema.getSubscriptionType();
if (subscriptionType) {
const operationName = node.name ? node.name.value : null;
const variableValues = Object.create(null);
const document = context.getDocument();
const fragments = Object.create(null);
for (const definition of document.definitions) {
if (definition.kind === _kinds.Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION) {
fragments[definition.name.value] = definition;
const fields = (0, _collectFields.collectFields)(
if (fields.size > 1) {
const fieldSelectionLists = [...fields.values()];
const extraFieldSelectionLists = fieldSelectionLists.slice(1);
const extraFieldSelections = extraFieldSelectionLists.flat();
new _GraphQLError.GraphQLError(
operationName != null
? `Subscription "${operationName}" must select only one top level field.`
: 'Anonymous Subscription must select only one top level field.',
nodes: extraFieldSelections,
for (const fieldNodes of fields.values()) {
const field = fieldNodes[0];
const fieldName = field.name.value;
if (fieldName.startsWith('__')) {
new _GraphQLError.GraphQLError(
operationName != null
? `Subscription "${operationName}" must not select an introspection top level field.`
: 'Anonymous Subscription must not select an introspection top level field.',
nodes: fieldNodes,