Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
2.6 KiB

import { __spreadArray } from "tslib";
import * as React from "rehackt";
import { useApolloClient } from "./useApolloClient.js";
import { getSuspenseCache, unwrapQueryRef, updateWrappedQueryRef, wrapQueryRef, } from "../internal/index.js";
import { useWatchQueryOptions } from "./useSuspenseQuery.js";
import { canonicalStringify } from "../../cache/index.js";
export function useBackgroundQuery(query, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = Object.create(null); }
var client = useApolloClient(options.client);
var suspenseCache = getSuspenseCache(client);
var watchQueryOptions = useWatchQueryOptions({ client: client, query: query, options: options });
var fetchPolicy = watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy, variables = watchQueryOptions.variables;
var _a = options.queryKey, queryKey = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a;
// This ref tracks the first time query execution is enabled to determine
// whether to return a query ref or `undefined`. When initialized
// in a skipped state (either via `skip: true` or `skipToken`) we return
// `undefined` for the `queryRef` until the query has been enabled. Once
// enabled, a query ref is always returned regardless of whether the query is
// skipped again later.
var didFetchResult = React.useRef(fetchPolicy !== "standby");
didFetchResult.current || (didFetchResult.current = fetchPolicy !== "standby");
var cacheKey = __spreadArray([
], [].concat(queryKey), true);
var queryRef = suspenseCache.getQueryRef(cacheKey, function () {
return client.watchQuery(watchQueryOptions);
var _b = React.useState(wrapQueryRef(queryRef)), wrappedQueryRef = _b[0], setWrappedQueryRef = _b[1];
if (unwrapQueryRef(wrappedQueryRef) !== queryRef) {
if (queryRef.didChangeOptions(watchQueryOptions)) {
var promise = queryRef.applyOptions(watchQueryOptions);
updateWrappedQueryRef(wrappedQueryRef, promise);
var fetchMore = React.useCallback(function (options) {
var promise = queryRef.fetchMore(options);
return promise;
}, [queryRef]);
var refetch = React.useCallback(function (variables) {
var promise = queryRef.refetch(variables);
return promise;
}, [queryRef]);
return [
didFetchResult.current ? wrappedQueryRef : void 0,
{ fetchMore: fetchMore, refetch: refetch },
//# sourceMappingURL=useBackgroundQuery.js.map