import { AutoCleanedStrongCache, cacheSizes, } from "../../utilities/caching/index.js"; import { registerGlobalCache } from "../caching/getMemoryInternals.js"; /** * Like JSON.stringify, but with object keys always sorted in the same order. * * To achieve performant sorting, this function uses a Map from JSON-serialized * arrays of keys (in any order) to sorted arrays of the same keys, with a * single sorted array reference shared by all permutations of the keys. * * As a drawback, this function will add a little bit more memory for every * object encountered that has different (more, less, a different order of) keys * than in the past. * * In a typical application, this extra memory usage should not play a * significant role, as `canonicalStringify` will be called for only a limited * number of object shapes, and the cache will not grow beyond a certain point. * But in some edge cases, this could be a problem, so we provide * canonicalStringify.reset() as a way of clearing the cache. * */ export var canonicalStringify = Object.assign(function canonicalStringify(value) { return JSON.stringify(value, stableObjectReplacer); }, { reset: function () { // Clearing the sortingMap will reclaim all cached memory, without // affecting the logical results of canonicalStringify, but potentially // sacrificing performance until the cache is refilled. sortingMap = new AutoCleanedStrongCache(cacheSizes.canonicalStringify || 1000 /* defaultCacheSizes.canonicalStringify */); }, }); if (globalThis.__DEV__ !== false) { registerGlobalCache("canonicalStringify", function () { return sortingMap.size; }); } // Values are JSON-serialized arrays of object keys (in any order), and values // are sorted arrays of the same keys. var sortingMap; canonicalStringify.reset(); // The JSON.stringify function takes an optional second argument called a // replacer function. This function is called for each key-value pair in the // object being stringified, and its return value is used instead of the // original value. If the replacer function returns a new value, that value is // stringified as JSON instead of the original value of the property. // function stableObjectReplacer(key, value) { if (value && typeof value === "object") { var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value); // We don't want to mess with objects that are not "plain" objects, which // means their prototype is either Object.prototype or null. This check also // prevents needlessly rearranging the indices of arrays. if (proto === Object.prototype || proto === null) { var keys = Object.keys(value); // If keys is already sorted, let JSON.stringify serialize the original // value instead of creating a new object with keys in the same order. if (keys.every(everyKeyInOrder)) return value; var unsortedKey = JSON.stringify(keys); var sortedKeys = sortingMap.get(unsortedKey); if (!sortedKeys) { keys.sort(); var sortedKey = JSON.stringify(keys); // Checking for sortedKey in the sortingMap allows us to share the same // sorted array reference for all permutations of the same set of keys. sortedKeys = sortingMap.get(sortedKey) || keys; sortingMap.set(unsortedKey, sortedKeys); sortingMap.set(sortedKey, sortedKeys); } var sortedObject_1 = Object.create(proto); // Reassigning the keys in sorted order will cause JSON.stringify to // serialize them in sorted order. sortedKeys.forEach(function (key) { sortedObject_1[key] = value[key]; }); return sortedObject_1; } } return value; } // Since everything that happens in stableObjectReplacer benefits from being as // efficient as possible, we use a static function as the callback for // keys.every in order to test if the provided keys are already sorted without // allocating extra memory for a callback. function everyKeyInOrder(key, i, keys) { return i === 0 || keys[i - 1] <= key; } //#