import { __assign, __spreadArray } from "tslib"; import * as React from "rehackt"; import { invariant } from "../../utilities/globals/index.js"; import { ApolloError, NetworkStatus } from "../../core/index.js"; import { isNonEmptyArray } from "../../utilities/index.js"; import { useApolloClient } from "./useApolloClient.js"; import { DocumentType, verifyDocumentType } from "../parser/index.js"; import { __use, useDeepMemo } from "./internal/index.js"; import { getSuspenseCache } from "../internal/index.js"; import { canonicalStringify } from "../../cache/index.js"; import { skipToken } from "./constants.js"; export function useSuspenseQuery(query, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = Object.create(null); } var client = useApolloClient(options.client); var suspenseCache = getSuspenseCache(client); var watchQueryOptions = useWatchQueryOptions({ client: client, query: query, options: options, }); var fetchPolicy = watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy, variables = watchQueryOptions.variables; var _a = options.queryKey, queryKey = _a === void 0 ? [] : _a; var cacheKey = __spreadArray([ query, canonicalStringify(variables) ], [].concat(queryKey), true); var queryRef = suspenseCache.getQueryRef(cacheKey, function () { return client.watchQuery(watchQueryOptions); }); var _b = React.useState([queryRef.key, queryRef.promise]), current = _b[0], setPromise = _b[1]; // This saves us a re-execution of the render function when a variable changed. if (current[0] !== queryRef.key) { current[0] = queryRef.key; current[1] = queryRef.promise; } var promise = current[1]; if (queryRef.didChangeOptions(watchQueryOptions)) { current[1] = promise = queryRef.applyOptions(watchQueryOptions); } React.useEffect(function () { var dispose = queryRef.retain(); var removeListener = queryRef.listen(function (promise) { setPromise([queryRef.key, promise]); }); return function () { removeListener(); dispose(); }; }, [queryRef]); var skipResult = React.useMemo(function () { var error = toApolloError(queryRef.result); return { loading: false, data:, networkStatus: error ? NetworkStatus.error : NetworkStatus.ready, error: error, }; }, [queryRef.result]); var result = fetchPolicy === "standby" ? skipResult : __use(promise); var fetchMore = React.useCallback((function (options) { var promise = queryRef.fetchMore(options); setPromise([queryRef.key, queryRef.promise]); return promise; }), [queryRef]); var refetch = React.useCallback(function (variables) { var promise = queryRef.refetch(variables); setPromise([queryRef.key, queryRef.promise]); return promise; }, [queryRef]); var subscribeToMore = React.useCallback(function (options) { return queryRef.observable.subscribeToMore(options); }, [queryRef]); return React.useMemo(function () { return { client: client, data:, error: toApolloError(result), networkStatus: result.networkStatus, fetchMore: fetchMore, refetch: refetch, subscribeToMore: subscribeToMore, }; }, [client, fetchMore, refetch, result, subscribeToMore]); } function validateOptions(options) { var query = options.query, fetchPolicy = options.fetchPolicy, returnPartialData = options.returnPartialData; verifyDocumentType(query, DocumentType.Query); validateFetchPolicy(fetchPolicy); validatePartialDataReturn(fetchPolicy, returnPartialData); } function validateFetchPolicy(fetchPolicy) { if (fetchPolicy === void 0) { fetchPolicy = "cache-first"; } var supportedFetchPolicies = [ "cache-first", "network-only", "no-cache", "cache-and-network", ]; invariant(supportedFetchPolicies.includes(fetchPolicy), 56, fetchPolicy); } function validatePartialDataReturn(fetchPolicy, returnPartialData) { if (fetchPolicy === "no-cache" && returnPartialData) { globalThis.__DEV__ !== false && invariant.warn(57); } } export function toApolloError(result) { return isNonEmptyArray(result.errors) ? new ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: result.errors }) : result.error; } export function useWatchQueryOptions(_a) { var client = _a.client, query = _a.query, options = _a.options; return useDeepMemo(function () { var _a; if (options === skipToken) { return { query: query, fetchPolicy: "standby" }; } var fetchPolicy = options.fetchPolicy || ((_a = client.defaultOptions.watchQuery) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.fetchPolicy) || "cache-first"; var watchQueryOptions = __assign(__assign({}, options), { fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy, query: query, notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: false, nextFetchPolicy: void 0 }); if (globalThis.__DEV__ !== false) { validateOptions(watchQueryOptions); } // Assign the updated fetch policy after our validation since `standby` is // not a supported fetch policy on its own without the use of `skip`. if (options.skip) { watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy = "standby"; } return watchQueryOptions; }, [client, options, query]); } //#