'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true, }); exports.UniqueDirectivesPerLocationRule = UniqueDirectivesPerLocationRule; var _GraphQLError = require('../../error/GraphQLError.js'); var _kinds = require('../../language/kinds.js'); var _predicates = require('../../language/predicates.js'); var _directives = require('../../type/directives.js'); /** * Unique directive names per location * * A GraphQL document is only valid if all non-repeatable directives at * a given location are uniquely named. * * See https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-Directives-Are-Unique-Per-Location */ function UniqueDirectivesPerLocationRule(context) { const uniqueDirectiveMap = Object.create(null); const schema = context.getSchema(); const definedDirectives = schema ? schema.getDirectives() : _directives.specifiedDirectives; for (const directive of definedDirectives) { uniqueDirectiveMap[directive.name] = !directive.isRepeatable; } const astDefinitions = context.getDocument().definitions; for (const def of astDefinitions) { if (def.kind === _kinds.Kind.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION) { uniqueDirectiveMap[def.name.value] = !def.repeatable; } } const schemaDirectives = Object.create(null); const typeDirectivesMap = Object.create(null); return { // Many different AST nodes may contain directives. Rather than listing // them all, just listen for entering any node, and check to see if it // defines any directives. enter(node) { if (!('directives' in node) || !node.directives) { return; } let seenDirectives; if ( node.kind === _kinds.Kind.SCHEMA_DEFINITION || node.kind === _kinds.Kind.SCHEMA_EXTENSION ) { seenDirectives = schemaDirectives; } else if ( (0, _predicates.isTypeDefinitionNode)(node) || (0, _predicates.isTypeExtensionNode)(node) ) { const typeName = node.name.value; seenDirectives = typeDirectivesMap[typeName]; if (seenDirectives === undefined) { typeDirectivesMap[typeName] = seenDirectives = Object.create(null); } } else { seenDirectives = Object.create(null); } for (const directive of node.directives) { const directiveName = directive.name.value; if (uniqueDirectiveMap[directiveName]) { if (seenDirectives[directiveName]) { context.reportError( new _GraphQLError.GraphQLError( `The directive "@${directiveName}" can only be used once at this location.`, { nodes: [seenDirectives[directiveName], directive], }, ), ); } else { seenDirectives[directiveName] = directive; } } } }, }; }