'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true, }); exports.DangerousChangeType = exports.BreakingChangeType = void 0; exports.findBreakingChanges = findBreakingChanges; exports.findDangerousChanges = findDangerousChanges; var _inspect = require('../jsutils/inspect.js'); var _invariant = require('../jsutils/invariant.js'); var _keyMap = require('../jsutils/keyMap.js'); var _printer = require('../language/printer.js'); var _definition = require('../type/definition.js'); var _scalars = require('../type/scalars.js'); var _astFromValue = require('./astFromValue.js'); var _sortValueNode = require('./sortValueNode.js'); var BreakingChangeType; exports.BreakingChangeType = BreakingChangeType; (function (BreakingChangeType) { BreakingChangeType['TYPE_REMOVED'] = 'TYPE_REMOVED'; BreakingChangeType['TYPE_CHANGED_KIND'] = 'TYPE_CHANGED_KIND'; BreakingChangeType['TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_UNION'] = 'TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_UNION'; BreakingChangeType['VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM'] = 'VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM'; BreakingChangeType['REQUIRED_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED'] = 'REQUIRED_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED'; BreakingChangeType['IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_REMOVED'] = 'IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_REMOVED'; BreakingChangeType['FIELD_REMOVED'] = 'FIELD_REMOVED'; BreakingChangeType['FIELD_CHANGED_KIND'] = 'FIELD_CHANGED_KIND'; BreakingChangeType['REQUIRED_ARG_ADDED'] = 'REQUIRED_ARG_ADDED'; BreakingChangeType['ARG_REMOVED'] = 'ARG_REMOVED'; BreakingChangeType['ARG_CHANGED_KIND'] = 'ARG_CHANGED_KIND'; BreakingChangeType['DIRECTIVE_REMOVED'] = 'DIRECTIVE_REMOVED'; BreakingChangeType['DIRECTIVE_ARG_REMOVED'] = 'DIRECTIVE_ARG_REMOVED'; BreakingChangeType['REQUIRED_DIRECTIVE_ARG_ADDED'] = 'REQUIRED_DIRECTIVE_ARG_ADDED'; BreakingChangeType['DIRECTIVE_REPEATABLE_REMOVED'] = 'DIRECTIVE_REPEATABLE_REMOVED'; BreakingChangeType['DIRECTIVE_LOCATION_REMOVED'] = 'DIRECTIVE_LOCATION_REMOVED'; })( BreakingChangeType || (exports.BreakingChangeType = BreakingChangeType = {}), ); var DangerousChangeType; exports.DangerousChangeType = DangerousChangeType; (function (DangerousChangeType) { DangerousChangeType['VALUE_ADDED_TO_ENUM'] = 'VALUE_ADDED_TO_ENUM'; DangerousChangeType['TYPE_ADDED_TO_UNION'] = 'TYPE_ADDED_TO_UNION'; DangerousChangeType['OPTIONAL_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED'] = 'OPTIONAL_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED'; DangerousChangeType['OPTIONAL_ARG_ADDED'] = 'OPTIONAL_ARG_ADDED'; DangerousChangeType['IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_ADDED'] = 'IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_ADDED'; DangerousChangeType['ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGE'] = 'ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGE'; })( DangerousChangeType || (exports.DangerousChangeType = DangerousChangeType = {}), ); /** * Given two schemas, returns an Array containing descriptions of all the types * of breaking changes covered by the other functions down below. */ function findBreakingChanges(oldSchema, newSchema) { // @ts-expect-error return findSchemaChanges(oldSchema, newSchema).filter( (change) => change.type in BreakingChangeType, ); } /** * Given two schemas, returns an Array containing descriptions of all the types * of potentially dangerous changes covered by the other functions down below. */ function findDangerousChanges(oldSchema, newSchema) { // @ts-expect-error return findSchemaChanges(oldSchema, newSchema).filter( (change) => change.type in DangerousChangeType, ); } function findSchemaChanges(oldSchema, newSchema) { return [ ...findTypeChanges(oldSchema, newSchema), ...findDirectiveChanges(oldSchema, newSchema), ]; } function findDirectiveChanges(oldSchema, newSchema) { const schemaChanges = []; const directivesDiff = diff( oldSchema.getDirectives(), newSchema.getDirectives(), ); for (const oldDirective of directivesDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.DIRECTIVE_REMOVED, description: `${oldDirective.name} was removed.`, }); } for (const [oldDirective, newDirective] of directivesDiff.persisted) { const argsDiff = diff(oldDirective.args, newDirective.args); for (const newArg of argsDiff.added) { if ((0, _definition.isRequiredArgument)(newArg)) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.REQUIRED_DIRECTIVE_ARG_ADDED, description: `A required arg ${newArg.name} on directive ${oldDirective.name} was added.`, }); } } for (const oldArg of argsDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.DIRECTIVE_ARG_REMOVED, description: `${oldArg.name} was removed from ${oldDirective.name}.`, }); } if (oldDirective.isRepeatable && !newDirective.isRepeatable) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.DIRECTIVE_REPEATABLE_REMOVED, description: `Repeatable flag was removed from ${oldDirective.name}.`, }); } for (const location of oldDirective.locations) { if (!newDirective.locations.includes(location)) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.DIRECTIVE_LOCATION_REMOVED, description: `${location} was removed from ${oldDirective.name}.`, }); } } } return schemaChanges; } function findTypeChanges(oldSchema, newSchema) { const schemaChanges = []; const typesDiff = diff( Object.values(oldSchema.getTypeMap()), Object.values(newSchema.getTypeMap()), ); for (const oldType of typesDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.TYPE_REMOVED, description: (0, _scalars.isSpecifiedScalarType)(oldType) ? `Standard scalar ${oldType.name} was removed because it is not referenced anymore.` : `${oldType.name} was removed.`, }); } for (const [oldType, newType] of typesDiff.persisted) { if ( (0, _definition.isEnumType)(oldType) && (0, _definition.isEnumType)(newType) ) { schemaChanges.push(...findEnumTypeChanges(oldType, newType)); } else if ( (0, _definition.isUnionType)(oldType) && (0, _definition.isUnionType)(newType) ) { schemaChanges.push(...findUnionTypeChanges(oldType, newType)); } else if ( (0, _definition.isInputObjectType)(oldType) && (0, _definition.isInputObjectType)(newType) ) { schemaChanges.push(...findInputObjectTypeChanges(oldType, newType)); } else if ( (0, _definition.isObjectType)(oldType) && (0, _definition.isObjectType)(newType) ) { schemaChanges.push( ...findFieldChanges(oldType, newType), ...findImplementedInterfacesChanges(oldType, newType), ); } else if ( (0, _definition.isInterfaceType)(oldType) && (0, _definition.isInterfaceType)(newType) ) { schemaChanges.push( ...findFieldChanges(oldType, newType), ...findImplementedInterfacesChanges(oldType, newType), ); } else if (oldType.constructor !== newType.constructor) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.TYPE_CHANGED_KIND, description: `${oldType.name} changed from ` + `${typeKindName(oldType)} to ${typeKindName(newType)}.`, }); } } return schemaChanges; } function findInputObjectTypeChanges(oldType, newType) { const schemaChanges = []; const fieldsDiff = diff( Object.values(oldType.getFields()), Object.values(newType.getFields()), ); for (const newField of fieldsDiff.added) { if ((0, _definition.isRequiredInputField)(newField)) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.REQUIRED_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED, description: `A required field ${newField.name} on input type ${oldType.name} was added.`, }); } else { schemaChanges.push({ type: DangerousChangeType.OPTIONAL_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED, description: `An optional field ${newField.name} on input type ${oldType.name} was added.`, }); } } for (const oldField of fieldsDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.FIELD_REMOVED, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} was removed.`, }); } for (const [oldField, newField] of fieldsDiff.persisted) { const isSafe = isChangeSafeForInputObjectFieldOrFieldArg( oldField.type, newField.type, ); if (!isSafe) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} changed type from ` + `${String(oldField.type)} to ${String(newField.type)}.`, }); } } return schemaChanges; } function findUnionTypeChanges(oldType, newType) { const schemaChanges = []; const possibleTypesDiff = diff(oldType.getTypes(), newType.getTypes()); for (const newPossibleType of possibleTypesDiff.added) { schemaChanges.push({ type: DangerousChangeType.TYPE_ADDED_TO_UNION, description: `${newPossibleType.name} was added to union type ${oldType.name}.`, }); } for (const oldPossibleType of possibleTypesDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_UNION, description: `${oldPossibleType.name} was removed from union type ${oldType.name}.`, }); } return schemaChanges; } function findEnumTypeChanges(oldType, newType) { const schemaChanges = []; const valuesDiff = diff(oldType.getValues(), newType.getValues()); for (const newValue of valuesDiff.added) { schemaChanges.push({ type: DangerousChangeType.VALUE_ADDED_TO_ENUM, description: `${newValue.name} was added to enum type ${oldType.name}.`, }); } for (const oldValue of valuesDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM, description: `${oldValue.name} was removed from enum type ${oldType.name}.`, }); } return schemaChanges; } function findImplementedInterfacesChanges(oldType, newType) { const schemaChanges = []; const interfacesDiff = diff(oldType.getInterfaces(), newType.getInterfaces()); for (const newInterface of interfacesDiff.added) { schemaChanges.push({ type: DangerousChangeType.IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_ADDED, description: `${newInterface.name} added to interfaces implemented by ${oldType.name}.`, }); } for (const oldInterface of interfacesDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_REMOVED, description: `${oldType.name} no longer implements interface ${oldInterface.name}.`, }); } return schemaChanges; } function findFieldChanges(oldType, newType) { const schemaChanges = []; const fieldsDiff = diff( Object.values(oldType.getFields()), Object.values(newType.getFields()), ); for (const oldField of fieldsDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.FIELD_REMOVED, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} was removed.`, }); } for (const [oldField, newField] of fieldsDiff.persisted) { schemaChanges.push(...findArgChanges(oldType, oldField, newField)); const isSafe = isChangeSafeForObjectOrInterfaceField( oldField.type, newField.type, ); if (!isSafe) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} changed type from ` + `${String(oldField.type)} to ${String(newField.type)}.`, }); } } return schemaChanges; } function findArgChanges(oldType, oldField, newField) { const schemaChanges = []; const argsDiff = diff(oldField.args, newField.args); for (const oldArg of argsDiff.removed) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.ARG_REMOVED, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} arg ${oldArg.name} was removed.`, }); } for (const [oldArg, newArg] of argsDiff.persisted) { const isSafe = isChangeSafeForInputObjectFieldOrFieldArg( oldArg.type, newArg.type, ); if (!isSafe) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.ARG_CHANGED_KIND, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} arg ${oldArg.name} has changed type from ` + `${String(oldArg.type)} to ${String(newArg.type)}.`, }); } else if (oldArg.defaultValue !== undefined) { if (newArg.defaultValue === undefined) { schemaChanges.push({ type: DangerousChangeType.ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGE, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} arg ${oldArg.name} defaultValue was removed.`, }); } else { // Since we looking only for client's observable changes we should // compare default values in the same representation as they are // represented inside introspection. const oldValueStr = stringifyValue(oldArg.defaultValue, oldArg.type); const newValueStr = stringifyValue(newArg.defaultValue, newArg.type); if (oldValueStr !== newValueStr) { schemaChanges.push({ type: DangerousChangeType.ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGE, description: `${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} arg ${oldArg.name} has changed defaultValue from ${oldValueStr} to ${newValueStr}.`, }); } } } } for (const newArg of argsDiff.added) { if ((0, _definition.isRequiredArgument)(newArg)) { schemaChanges.push({ type: BreakingChangeType.REQUIRED_ARG_ADDED, description: `A required arg ${newArg.name} on ${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} was added.`, }); } else { schemaChanges.push({ type: DangerousChangeType.OPTIONAL_ARG_ADDED, description: `An optional arg ${newArg.name} on ${oldType.name}.${oldField.name} was added.`, }); } } return schemaChanges; } function isChangeSafeForObjectOrInterfaceField(oldType, newType) { if ((0, _definition.isListType)(oldType)) { return ( // if they're both lists, make sure the underlying types are compatible ((0, _definition.isListType)(newType) && isChangeSafeForObjectOrInterfaceField( oldType.ofType, newType.ofType, )) || // moving from nullable to non-null of the same underlying type is safe ((0, _definition.isNonNullType)(newType) && isChangeSafeForObjectOrInterfaceField(oldType, newType.ofType)) ); } if ((0, _definition.isNonNullType)(oldType)) { // if they're both non-null, make sure the underlying types are compatible return ( (0, _definition.isNonNullType)(newType) && isChangeSafeForObjectOrInterfaceField(oldType.ofType, newType.ofType) ); } return ( // if they're both named types, see if their names are equivalent ((0, _definition.isNamedType)(newType) && oldType.name === newType.name) || // moving from nullable to non-null of the same underlying type is safe ((0, _definition.isNonNullType)(newType) && isChangeSafeForObjectOrInterfaceField(oldType, newType.ofType)) ); } function isChangeSafeForInputObjectFieldOrFieldArg(oldType, newType) { if ((0, _definition.isListType)(oldType)) { // if they're both lists, make sure the underlying types are compatible return ( (0, _definition.isListType)(newType) && isChangeSafeForInputObjectFieldOrFieldArg(oldType.ofType, newType.ofType) ); } if ((0, _definition.isNonNullType)(oldType)) { return ( // if they're both non-null, make sure the underlying types are // compatible ((0, _definition.isNonNullType)(newType) && isChangeSafeForInputObjectFieldOrFieldArg( oldType.ofType, newType.ofType, )) || // moving from non-null to nullable of the same underlying type is safe (!(0, _definition.isNonNullType)(newType) && isChangeSafeForInputObjectFieldOrFieldArg(oldType.ofType, newType)) ); } // if they're both named types, see if their names are equivalent return (0, _definition.isNamedType)(newType) && oldType.name === newType.name; } function typeKindName(type) { if ((0, _definition.isScalarType)(type)) { return 'a Scalar type'; } if ((0, _definition.isObjectType)(type)) { return 'an Object type'; } if ((0, _definition.isInterfaceType)(type)) { return 'an Interface type'; } if ((0, _definition.isUnionType)(type)) { return 'a Union type'; } if ((0, _definition.isEnumType)(type)) { return 'an Enum type'; } if ((0, _definition.isInputObjectType)(type)) { return 'an Input type'; } /* c8 ignore next 3 */ // Not reachable, all possible types have been considered. false || (0, _invariant.invariant)( false, 'Unexpected type: ' + (0, _inspect.inspect)(type), ); } function stringifyValue(value, type) { const ast = (0, _astFromValue.astFromValue)(value, type); ast != null || (0, _invariant.invariant)(false); return (0, _printer.print)((0, _sortValueNode.sortValueNode)(ast)); } function diff(oldArray, newArray) { const added = []; const removed = []; const persisted = []; const oldMap = (0, _keyMap.keyMap)(oldArray, ({ name }) => name); const newMap = (0, _keyMap.keyMap)(newArray, ({ name }) => name); for (const oldItem of oldArray) { const newItem = newMap[oldItem.name]; if (newItem === undefined) { removed.push(oldItem); } else { persisted.push([oldItem, newItem]); } } for (const newItem of newArray) { if (oldMap[newItem.name] === undefined) { added.push(newItem); } } return { added, persisted, removed, }; }