/** * * server * */ import { OperationTypeNode, GraphQLSchema, ExecutionArgs, validate as graphqlValidate, GraphQLError, SubscriptionArgs } from 'graphql'; import { GRAPHQL_TRANSPORT_WS_PROTOCOL, ID, ConnectionInitMessage, SubscribeMessage, NextMessage, ErrorMessage, CompleteMessage, JSONMessageReplacer, JSONMessageReviver, PingMessage, PongMessage, ExecutionResult, ExecutionPatchResult } from './common'; /** @category Server */ export type OperationResult = Promise | AsyncIterable | ExecutionResult> | AsyncGenerator | AsyncIterable | ExecutionResult; /** * A concrete GraphQL execution context value type. * * Mainly used because TypeScript collapses unions * with `any` or `unknown` to `any` or `unknown`. So, * we use a custom type to allow definitions such as * the `context` server option. * * @category Server */ export type GraphQLExecutionContextValue = object | symbol | number | string | boolean | undefined | null; /** @category Server */ export interface ServerOptions

{ /** * The GraphQL schema on which the operations * will be executed and validated against. * * If a function is provided, it will be called on * every subscription request allowing you to manipulate * schema dynamically. * * If the schema is left undefined, you're trusted to * provide one in the returned `ExecutionArgs` from the * `onSubscribe` callback. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ schema?: GraphQLSchema | ((ctx: Context, message: SubscribeMessage, args: Omit) => Promise | GraphQLSchema); /** * A value which is provided to every resolver and holds * important contextual information like the currently * logged in user, or access to a database. * * If you return from `onSubscribe`, and the returned value is * missing the `contextValue` field, this context will be used * instead. * * If you use the function signature, the final execution arguments * will be passed in (also the returned value from `onSubscribe`). * Since the context is injected on every subscribe, the `SubscribeMessage` * with the regular `Context` will be passed in through the arguments too. * * Note that the context function is invoked on each operation only once. * Meaning, for subscriptions, only at the point of initialising the subscription; * not on every subscription event emission. Read more about the context lifecycle * in subscriptions here: https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/894. */ context?: GraphQLExecutionContextValue | ((ctx: Context, message: SubscribeMessage, args: ExecutionArgs) => Promise | GraphQLExecutionContextValue); /** * The GraphQL root fields or resolvers to go * alongside the schema. Learn more about them * here: https://graphql.org/learn/execution/#root-fields-resolvers. * * If you return from `onSubscribe`, and the returned value is * missing the `rootValue` field, the relevant operation root * will be used instead. */ roots?: { [operation in OperationTypeNode]?: Record>; }; /** * A custom GraphQL validate function allowing you to apply your * own validation rules. * * Returned, non-empty, array of `GraphQLError`s will be communicated * to the client through the `ErrorMessage`. Use an empty array if the * document is valid and no errors have been encountered. * * Will not be used when implementing a custom `onSubscribe`. * * Throwing an error from within this function will close the socket * with the `Error` message in the close event reason. */ validate?: typeof graphqlValidate; /** * Is the `execute` function from GraphQL which is * used to execute the query and mutation operations. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ execute?: (args: ExecutionArgs) => OperationResult; /** * Is the `subscribe` function from GraphQL which is * used to execute the subscription operation. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ subscribe?: (args: ExecutionArgs) => OperationResult; /** * The amount of time for which the server will wait * for `ConnectionInit` message. * * Set the value to `Infinity`, `''`, `0`, `null` or `undefined` to skip waiting. * * If the wait timeout has passed and the client * has not sent the `ConnectionInit` message, * the server will terminate the socket by * dispatching a close event `4408: Connection initialisation timeout` * * @default 3_000 // 3 seconds */ connectionInitWaitTimeout?: number; /** * Is the connection callback called when the * client requests the connection initialisation * through the message `ConnectionInit`. * * The message payload (`connectionParams` from the * client) is present in the `Context.connectionParams`. * * - Returning `true` or nothing from the callback will * allow the client to connect. * * - Returning `false` from the callback will * terminate the socket by dispatching the * close event `4403: Forbidden`. * * - Returning a `Record` from the callback will * allow the client to connect and pass the returned * value to the client through the optional `payload` * field in the `ConnectionAck` message. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ onConnect?: (ctx: Context) => Promise | boolean | void> | Record | boolean | void; /** * Called when the client disconnects for whatever reason after * he successfully went through the connection initialisation phase. * Provides the close event too. Beware that this callback happens * AFTER all subscriptions have been gracefully completed and BEFORE * the `onClose` callback. * * If you are interested in tracking the subscriptions completions, * consider using the `onComplete` callback. * * This callback will be called EXCLUSIVELY if the client connection * is acknowledged. Meaning, `onConnect` will be called before the `onDisconnect`. * * For tracking socket closures at any point in time, regardless * of the connection state - consider using the `onClose` callback. */ onDisconnect?: (ctx: Context, code?: number, reason?: string) => Promise | void; /** * Called when the socket closes for whatever reason, at any * point in time. Provides the close event too. Beware * that this callback happens AFTER all subscriptions have * been gracefully completed and AFTER the `onDisconnect` callback. * * If you are interested in tracking the subscriptions completions, * consider using the `onComplete` callback. * * In comparison to `onDisconnect`, this callback will ALWAYS * be called, regardless if the user successfully went through * the connection initialisation or not. `onConnect` might not * called before the `onClose`. */ onClose?: (ctx: Context, code?: number, reason?: string) => Promise | void; /** * The subscribe callback executed right after * acknowledging the request before any payload * processing has been performed. * * If you return `ExecutionArgs` from the callback, * it will be used instead of trying to build one * internally. In this case, you are responsible * for providing a ready set of arguments which will * be directly plugged in the operation execution. * * Omitting the fields `contextValue` or `rootValue` * from the returned value will have the provided server * options fill in the gaps. * * To report GraphQL errors simply return an array * of them from the callback, they will be reported * to the client through the error message. * * Useful for preparing the execution arguments * following a custom logic. A typical use case are * persisted queries, you can identify the query from * the subscribe message and create the GraphQL operation * execution args which are then returned by the function. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ onSubscribe?: (ctx: Context, message: SubscribeMessage) => Promise | ExecutionArgs | readonly GraphQLError[] | void; /** * Executed after the operation call resolves. For streaming * operations, triggering this callback does not necessarily * mean that there is already a result available - it means * that the subscription process for the stream has resolved * and that the client is now subscribed. * * The `OperationResult` argument is the result of operation * execution. It can be an iterator or already a value. * * If you want the single result and the events from a streaming * operation, use the `onNext` callback. * * Use this callback to listen for subscribe operation and * execution result manipulation. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ onOperation?: (ctx: Context, message: SubscribeMessage, args: ExecutionArgs, result: OperationResult) => Promise | OperationResult | void; /** * Executed after an error occurred right before it * has been dispatched to the client. * * Use this callback to format the outgoing GraphQL * errors before they reach the client. * * Returned result will be injected in the error message payload. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ onError?: (ctx: Context, message: ErrorMessage, errors: readonly GraphQLError[]) => Promise | readonly GraphQLError[] | void; /** * Executed after an operation has emitted a result right before * that result has been sent to the client. Results from both * single value and streaming operations will appear in this callback. * * Use this callback if you want to format the execution result * before it reaches the client. * * Returned result will be injected in the next message payload. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. */ onNext?: (ctx: Context, message: NextMessage, args: ExecutionArgs, result: ExecutionResult | ExecutionPatchResult) => Promise | ExecutionResult | ExecutionPatchResult | void; /** * The complete callback is executed after the * operation has completed right before sending * the complete message to the client. * * Throwing an error from within this function will * close the socket with the `Error` message * in the close event reason. * * Since the library makes sure to complete streaming * operations even after an abrupt closure, this callback * will still be called. */ onComplete?: (ctx: Context, message: CompleteMessage) => Promise | void; /** * An optional override for the JSON.parse function used to hydrate * incoming messages to this server. Useful for parsing custom datatypes * out of the incoming JSON. */ jsonMessageReviver?: JSONMessageReviver; /** * An optional override for the JSON.stringify function used to serialize * outgoing messages to from server. Useful for serializing custom * datatypes out to the client. */ jsonMessageReplacer?: JSONMessageReplacer; } /** @category Server */ export interface Server { /** * New socket has been established. The lib will validate * the protocol and use the socket accordingly. Returned promise * will resolve after the socket closes. * * The second argument will be passed in the `extra` field * of the `Context`. You may pass the initial request or the * original WebSocket, if you need it down the road. * * Returns a function that should be called when the same socket * has been closed, for whatever reason. The close code and reason * must be passed for reporting to the `onDisconnect` callback. Returned * promise will resolve once the internal cleanup is complete. */ opened(socket: WebSocket, ctxExtra: E): (code?: number, reason?: string) => Promise; } /** @category Server */ export interface WebSocket { /** * The subprotocol of the WebSocket. Will be used * to validate against the supported ones. */ readonly protocol: string; /** * Sends a message through the socket. Will always * provide a `string` message. * * Please take care that the send is ready. Meaning, * only provide a truly OPEN socket through the `opened` * method of the `Server`. * * The returned promise is used to control the flow of data * (like handling backpressure). */ send(data: string): Promise | void; /** * Closes the socket gracefully. Will always provide * the appropriate code and close reason. `onDisconnect` * callback will be called. * * The returned promise is used to control the graceful * closure. */ close(code: number, reason: string): Promise | void; /** * Called when message is received. The library requires the data * to be a `string`. * * All operations requested from the client will block the promise until * completed, this means that the callback will not resolve until all * subscription events have been emitted (or until the client has completed * the stream), or until the query/mutation resolves. * * Exceptions raised during any phase of operation processing will * reject the callback's promise, catch them and communicate them * to your clients however you wish. */ onMessage(cb: (data: string) => Promise): void; /** * Implement a listener for the `PingMessage` sent from the client to the server. * If the client sent the ping with a payload, it will be passed through the * first argument. * * If this listener is implemented, the server will NOT automatically reply * to any pings from the client. Implementing it makes it your responsibility * to decide how and when to respond. */ onPing?(payload: PingMessage['payload']): Promise | void; /** * Implement a listener for the `PongMessage` sent from the client to the server. * If the client sent the pong with a payload, it will be passed through the * first argument. */ onPong?(payload: PongMessage['payload']): Promise | void; } /** @category Server */ export interface Context

{ /** * Indicates that the `ConnectionInit` message * has been received by the server. If this is * `true`, the client wont be kicked off after * the wait timeout has passed. */ readonly connectionInitReceived: boolean; /** * Indicates that the connection was acknowledged * by having dispatched the `ConnectionAck` message * to the related client. */ readonly acknowledged: boolean; /** The parameters passed during the connection initialisation. */ readonly connectionParams?: Readonly

; /** * Holds the active subscriptions for this context. **All operations** * that are taking place are aggregated here. The user is _subscribed_ * to an operation when waiting for result(s). * * If the subscription behind an ID is an `AsyncIterator` - the operation * is streaming; on the contrary, if the subscription is `null` - it is simply * a reservation, meaning - the operation resolves to a single result or is still * pending/being prepared. */ readonly subscriptions: Record | AsyncIterable | null>; /** * An extra field where you can store your own context values * to pass between callbacks. */ extra: E; } /** * Makes a Protocol compliant WebSocket GraphQL server. The server * is actually an API which is to be used with your favourite WebSocket * server library! * * Read more about the [GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol](https://github.com/graphql/graphql-over-http/blob/main/rfcs/GraphQLOverWebSocket.md). * * @category Server */ export declare function makeServer

(options: ServerOptions): Server; /** * Helper utility for choosing the "graphql-transport-ws" subprotocol from * a set of WebSocket subprotocols. * * Accepts a set of already extracted WebSocket subprotocols or the raw * Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header value. In either case, if the right * protocol appears, it will be returned. * * By specification, the server should not provide a value with Sec-WebSocket-Protocol * if it does not agree with client's subprotocols. The client has a responsibility * to handle the connection afterwards. * * @category Server */ export declare function handleProtocols(protocols: Set | string[] | string): typeof GRAPHQL_TRANSPORT_WS_PROTOCOL | false;