'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true, }); exports.UniqueDirectiveNamesRule = UniqueDirectiveNamesRule; var _GraphQLError = require('../../error/GraphQLError.js'); /** * Unique directive names * * A GraphQL document is only valid if all defined directives have unique names. */ function UniqueDirectiveNamesRule(context) { const knownDirectiveNames = Object.create(null); const schema = context.getSchema(); return { DirectiveDefinition(node) { const directiveName = node.name.value; if ( schema !== null && schema !== void 0 && schema.getDirective(directiveName) ) { context.reportError( new _GraphQLError.GraphQLError( `Directive "@${directiveName}" already exists in the schema. It cannot be redefined.`, { nodes: node.name, }, ), ); return; } if (knownDirectiveNames[directiveName]) { context.reportError( new _GraphQLError.GraphQLError( `There can be only one directive named "@${directiveName}".`, { nodes: [knownDirectiveNames[directiveName], node.name], }, ), ); } else { knownDirectiveNames[directiveName] = node.name; } return false; }, }; }