import { handleProtocols, makeServer } from '../../server.mjs'; import { DEPRECATED_GRAPHQL_WS_PROTOCOL, CloseCode, } from '../../common.mjs'; import { limitCloseReason } from '../../utils.mjs'; /** * Make a handler to use on a [@fastify/websocket]( route. * This is a basic starter, feel free to copy the code over and adjust it to your needs * * @category Server/@fastify/websocket */ export function makeHandler(options, /** * The timout between dispatched keep-alive messages. Internally uses the [ws Ping and Pongs](( * to check that the link between the clients and the server is operating and to prevent the link * from being broken due to idling. * * @default 12_000 // 12 seconds */ keepAlive = 12000) { const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; const server = makeServer(options); // we dont have access to the fastify-websocket server instance yet, // register an error handler on first connection ONCE only let handlingServerEmittedErrors = false; return function handler(connection, request) { const { socket } = connection; // might be too late, but meh this.websocketServer.options.handleProtocols = handleProtocols; // handle server emitted errors only if not already handling if (!handlingServerEmittedErrors) { handlingServerEmittedErrors = true; this.websocketServer.once('error', (err) => { console.error('Internal error emitted on the WebSocket server. ' + 'Please check your implementation.', err); // catch the first thrown error and re-throw it once all clients have been notified let firstErr = null; // report server errors by erroring out all clients with the same error for (const client of this.websocketServer.clients) { try { client.close(CloseCode.InternalServerError, isProd ? 'Internal server error' : limitCloseReason(err instanceof Error ? err.message : String(err), 'Internal server error')); } catch (err) { firstErr = firstErr !== null && firstErr !== void 0 ? firstErr : err; } } if (firstErr) throw firstErr; }); } // used as listener on two streams, prevent superfluous calls on close let emittedErrorHandled = false; function handleEmittedError(err) { if (emittedErrorHandled) return; emittedErrorHandled = true; console.error('Internal error emitted on a WebSocket socket. ' + 'Please check your implementation.', err); socket.close(CloseCode.InternalServerError, isProd ? 'Internal server error' : limitCloseReason(err instanceof Error ? err.message : String(err), 'Internal server error')); } // fastify-websocket uses the WebSocket.createWebSocketStream, // therefore errors get emitted on both the connection and the socket connection.once('error', handleEmittedError); socket.once('error', handleEmittedError); // keep alive through ping-pong messages let pongWait = null; const pingInterval = keepAlive > 0 && isFinite(keepAlive) ? setInterval(() => { // ping pong on open sockets only if (socket.readyState === socket.OPEN) { // terminate the connection after pong wait has passed because the client is idle pongWait = setTimeout(() => { socket.terminate(); }, keepAlive); // listen for client's pong and stop socket termination socket.once('pong', () => { if (pongWait) { clearTimeout(pongWait); pongWait = null; } });; } }, keepAlive) : null; const closed = server.opened({ protocol: socket.protocol, send: (data) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (socket.readyState !== socket.OPEN) return resolve(); socket.send(data, (err) => (err ? reject(err) : resolve())); }), close: (code, reason) => socket.close(code, reason), onMessage: (cb) => socket.on('message', async (event) => { try { await cb(String(event)); } catch (err) { console.error('Internal error occurred during message handling. ' + 'Please check your implementation.', err); socket.close(CloseCode.InternalServerError, isProd ? 'Internal server error' : limitCloseReason(err instanceof Error ? err.message : String(err), 'Internal server error')); } }), }, { connection, request }); socket.once('close', (code, reason) => { if (pongWait) clearTimeout(pongWait); if (pingInterval) clearInterval(pingInterval); if (!isProd && code === CloseCode.SubprotocolNotAcceptable && socket.protocol === DEPRECATED_GRAPHQL_WS_PROTOCOL) console.warn(`Client provided the unsupported and deprecated subprotocol "${socket.protocol}" used by subscriptions-transport-ws.` + 'Please see'); closed(code, String(reason)); }); }; }