import { Observable } from "./Observable.js"; import { canUseSymbol } from "../common/canUse.js"; // Generic implementations of Observable.prototype methods like map and // filter need to know how to create a new Observable from an Observable // subclass (like Concast or ObservableQuery). Those methods assume // (perhaps unwisely?) that they can call the subtype's constructor with a // Subscriber function, even though the subclass constructor might expect // different parameters. Defining this static Symbol.species property on // the subclass is a hint to generic Observable code to use the default // constructor instead of trying to do `new Subclass(observer => ...)`. export function fixObservableSubclass(subclass) { function set(key) { // Object.defineProperty is necessary because the Symbol.species // property is a getter by default in modern JS environments, so we // can't assign to it with a normal assignment expression. Object.defineProperty(subclass, key, { value: Observable }); } if (canUseSymbol && Symbol.species) { set(Symbol.species); } // The "@@species" string is used as a fake Symbol.species value in some // polyfill systems (including the SymbolSpecies variable used by // zen-observable), so we should set it as well, to be safe. set("@@species"); return subclass; } //#