import { __spreadArray } from "tslib"; import { ApolloClient } from "../../core/index.js"; import { canonicalStringify } from "../../cache/index.js"; import { getSuspenseCache } from "../../react/internal/index.js"; export var toHaveSuspenseCacheEntryUsing = function (client, query, _a) { var _b; var _c = _a === void 0 ? Object.create(null) : _a, variables = _c.variables, _d = _c.queryKey, queryKey = _d === void 0 ? [] : _d; if (!(client instanceof ApolloClient)) { throw new Error("Actual must be an instance of `ApolloClient`"); } var suspenseCache = getSuspenseCache(client); var cacheKey = __spreadArray([ query, canonicalStringify(variables) ], [].concat(queryKey), true); var queryRef = (_b = suspenseCache["queryRefs"].lookupArray(cacheKey)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.current; return { pass: !!queryRef, message: function () { return "Expected suspense cache ".concat(queryRef ? "not " : "", "to have cache entry using key"); }, }; }; //#