import { __awaiter, __generator } from "tslib"; export var toBeGarbageCollected = function (actual) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var hint, pass, interval, timeout; return __generator(this, function (_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: hint = this.utils.matcherHint("toBeGarbageCollected"); if (!(actual instanceof WeakRef)) { throw new Error(hint + "\n\n" + "Expected value to be a WeakRef, but it was a ".concat(typeof actual, ".")); } pass = false; return [4 /*yield*/, Promise.race([ new Promise(function (resolve) { timeout = setTimeout(resolve, 1000); }), new Promise(function (resolve) { interval = setInterval(function () { global.gc(); pass = actual.deref() === undefined; if (pass) { resolve(); } }, 1); }), ])]; case 1: _a.sent(); clearInterval(interval); clearTimeout(timeout); return [2 /*return*/, { pass: pass, message: function () { if (pass) { return (hint + "\n\n" + "Expected value to not be cache-collected, but it was."); } return (hint + "\n\n Expected value to be cache-collected, but it was not."); }, }]; } }); }); }; //#