import { invariant } from "../../utilities/globals/index.js"; import { AutoCleanedWeakCache, cacheSizes, } from "../../utilities/index.js"; import { registerGlobalCache } from "../../utilities/caching/getMemoryInternals.js"; export var DocumentType; (function (DocumentType) { DocumentType[DocumentType["Query"] = 0] = "Query"; DocumentType[DocumentType["Mutation"] = 1] = "Mutation"; DocumentType[DocumentType["Subscription"] = 2] = "Subscription"; })(DocumentType || (DocumentType = {})); var cache; export function operationName(type) { var name; switch (type) { case DocumentType.Query: name = "Query"; break; case DocumentType.Mutation: name = "Mutation"; break; case DocumentType.Subscription: name = "Subscription"; break; } return name; } // This parser is mostly used to safety check incoming documents. export function parser(document) { if (!cache) { cache = new AutoCleanedWeakCache(cacheSizes.parser || 1000 /* defaultCacheSizes.parser */); } var cached = cache.get(document); if (cached) return cached; var variables, type, name; invariant(!!document && !!document.kind, 59, document); var fragments = []; var queries = []; var mutations = []; var subscriptions = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = document.definitions; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var x = _a[_i]; if (x.kind === "FragmentDefinition") { fragments.push(x); continue; } if (x.kind === "OperationDefinition") { switch (x.operation) { case "query": queries.push(x); break; case "mutation": mutations.push(x); break; case "subscription": subscriptions.push(x); break; } } } invariant(!fragments.length || queries.length || mutations.length || subscriptions.length, 60); invariant( queries.length + mutations.length + subscriptions.length <= 1, 61, document, queries.length, subscriptions.length, mutations.length ); type = queries.length ? DocumentType.Query : DocumentType.Mutation; if (!queries.length && !mutations.length) type = DocumentType.Subscription; var definitions = queries.length ? queries : mutations.length ? mutations : subscriptions; invariant(definitions.length === 1, 62, document, definitions.length); var definition = definitions[0]; variables = definition.variableDefinitions || []; if ( && === "Name") { name =; } else { name = "data"; // fallback to using data if no name } var payload = { name: name, type: type, variables: variables }; cache.set(document, payload); return payload; } parser.resetCache = function () { cache = undefined; }; if (globalThis.__DEV__ !== false) { registerGlobalCache("parser", function () { return (cache ? cache.size : 0); }); } export function verifyDocumentType(document, type) { var operation = parser(document); var requiredOperationName = operationName(type); var usedOperationName = operationName(operation.type); invariant( operation.type === type, 63, requiredOperationName, requiredOperationName, usedOperationName ); } //#