import { __assign, __extends, __rest } from "tslib"; import * as React from "rehackt"; import hoistNonReactStatics from "hoist-non-react-statics"; import { parser } from "../parser/index.js"; import { Mutation } from "../components/index.js"; import { defaultMapPropsToOptions, getDisplayName, calculateVariablesFromProps, GraphQLBase, } from "./hoc-utils.js"; /** * @deprecated * Official support for React Apollo higher order components ended in March 2020. * This library is still included in the `@apollo/client` package, but it no longer receives feature updates or bug fixes. */ export function withMutation(document, operationOptions) { if (operationOptions === void 0) { operationOptions = {}; } // this is memoized so if coming from `graphql` there is nearly no extra cost var operation = parser(document); // extract options var _a = operationOptions.options, options = _a === void 0 ? defaultMapPropsToOptions : _a, _b = operationOptions.alias, alias = _b === void 0 ? "Apollo" : _b; var mapPropsToOptions = options; if (typeof mapPropsToOptions !== "function") mapPropsToOptions = function () { return options; }; return function (WrappedComponent) { var graphQLDisplayName = "".concat(alias, "(").concat(getDisplayName(WrappedComponent), ")"); var GraphQL = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(GraphQL, _super); function GraphQL() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } GraphQL.prototype.render = function () { var props = this.props; var opts = mapPropsToOptions(props); if (operationOptions.withRef) { this.withRef = true; props = Object.assign({}, props, { ref: this.setWrappedInstance, }); } if (!opts.variables && operation.variables.length > 0) { opts.variables = calculateVariablesFromProps(operation, props); } return (React.createElement(Mutation, __assign({ ignoreResults: true }, opts, { mutation: document }), function (mutate, _a) { var _b, _c; var data =, r = __rest(_a, ["data"]); // the HOC's historically hoisted the data from the execution result // up onto the result since it was passed as a nested prop // we massage the Mutation component's shape here to replicate that // this matches the query HoC var result = Object.assign(r, data || {}); var name = || "mutate"; var resultName = ? "".concat(name, "Result") : "result"; var childProps = (_b = {}, _b[name] = mutate, _b[resultName] = result, _b); if (operationOptions.props) { var newResult = (_c = {}, _c[name] = mutate, _c[resultName] = result, _c.ownProps = props, _c); childProps = operationOptions.props(newResult); } return React.createElement(WrappedComponent, __assign({}, props, childProps)); })); }; GraphQL.displayName = graphQLDisplayName; GraphQL.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent; return GraphQL; }(GraphQLBase)); // Make sure we preserve any custom statics on the original component. return hoistNonReactStatics(GraphQL, WrappedComponent, {}); }; } //#