import { __assign } from "tslib"; import { Observable } from "../../utilities/index.js"; // QueryBatcher doesn't fire requests immediately. Requests that were enqueued within // a certain amount of time (configurable through `batchInterval`) will be batched together // into one query. var OperationBatcher = /** @class */ (function () { function OperationBatcher(_a) { var batchDebounce = _a.batchDebounce, batchInterval = _a.batchInterval, batchMax = _a.batchMax, batchHandler = _a.batchHandler, batchKey = _a.batchKey; // Queue on which the QueryBatcher will operate on a per-tick basis. this.batchesByKey = new Map(); this.scheduledBatchTimerByKey = new Map(); this.batchDebounce = batchDebounce; this.batchInterval = batchInterval; this.batchMax = batchMax || 0; this.batchHandler = batchHandler; this.batchKey = batchKey || (function () { return ""; }); } OperationBatcher.prototype.enqueueRequest = function (request) { var _this = this; var requestCopy = __assign(__assign({}, request), { next: [], error: [], complete: [], subscribers: new Set() }); var key = this.batchKey(request.operation); if (!requestCopy.observable) { requestCopy.observable = new Observable(function (observer) { var batch = _this.batchesByKey.get(key); if (!batch) _this.batchesByKey.set(key, (batch = new Set())); // These booleans seem to me (@benjamn) like they might always be the // same (and thus we could do with only one of them), but I'm not 100% // sure about that. var isFirstEnqueuedRequest = batch.size === 0; var isFirstSubscriber = requestCopy.subscribers.size === 0; requestCopy.subscribers.add(observer); if (isFirstSubscriber) { batch.add(requestCopy); } // called for each subscriber, so need to save all listeners (next, error, complete) if ( {; } if (observer.error) { requestCopy.error.push(observer.error.bind(observer)); } if (observer.complete) { requestCopy.complete.push(observer.complete.bind(observer)); } // The first enqueued request triggers the queue consumption after `batchInterval` milliseconds. if (isFirstEnqueuedRequest || _this.batchDebounce) { _this.scheduleQueueConsumption(key); } // When amount of requests reaches `batchMax`, trigger the queue consumption without waiting on the `batchInterval`. if (batch.size === _this.batchMax) { _this.consumeQueue(key); } return function () { var _a; // If this is last subscriber for this request, remove request from queue if (requestCopy.subscribers.delete(observer) && requestCopy.subscribers.size < 1) { // If this is last request from queue, remove queue entirely if (batch.delete(requestCopy) && batch.size < 1) { _this.consumeQueue(key); // If queue was in flight, cancel it (_a = batch.subscription) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unsubscribe(); } } }; }); } return requestCopy.observable; }; // Consumes the queue. // Returns a list of promises (one for each query). OperationBatcher.prototype.consumeQueue = function (key) { if (key === void 0) { key = ""; } var batch = this.batchesByKey.get(key); // Delete this batch and process it below. this.batchesByKey.delete(key); if (!batch || !batch.size) { // No requests to be processed. return; } var operations = []; var forwards = []; var observables = []; var nexts = []; var errors = []; var completes = []; // Even though batch is a Set, it preserves the order of first insertion // when iterating (per ECMAScript specification), so these requests will be // handled in the order they were enqueued (minus any deleted ones). batch.forEach(function (request) { operations.push(request.operation); forwards.push(request.forward); observables.push(request.observable); nexts.push(; errors.push(request.error); completes.push(request.complete); }); var batchedObservable = this.batchHandler(operations, forwards) || Observable.of(); var onError = function (error) { //each callback list in batch errors.forEach(function (rejecters) { if (rejecters) { //each subscriber to request rejecters.forEach(function (e) { return e(error); }); } }); }; batch.subscription = batchedObservable.subscribe({ next: function (results) { if (!Array.isArray(results)) { results = [results]; } if (nexts.length !== results.length) { var error = new Error("server returned results with length ".concat(results.length, ", expected length of ").concat(nexts.length)); error.result = results; return onError(error); } results.forEach(function (result, index) { if (nexts[index]) { nexts[index].forEach(function (next) { return next(result); }); } }); }, error: onError, complete: function () { completes.forEach(function (complete) { if (complete) { //each subscriber to request complete.forEach(function (c) { return c(); }); } }); }, }); return observables; }; OperationBatcher.prototype.scheduleQueueConsumption = function (key) { var _this = this; clearTimeout(this.scheduledBatchTimerByKey.get(key)); this.scheduledBatchTimerByKey.set(key, setTimeout(function () { _this.consumeQueue(key); _this.scheduledBatchTimerByKey.delete(key); }, this.batchInterval)); }; return OperationBatcher; }()); export { OperationBatcher }; //#