'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true, }); exports.graphql = graphql; exports.graphqlSync = graphqlSync; var _devAssert = require('./jsutils/devAssert.js'); var _isPromise = require('./jsutils/isPromise.js'); var _parser = require('./language/parser.js'); var _validate = require('./type/validate.js'); var _validate2 = require('./validation/validate.js'); var _execute = require('./execution/execute.js'); function graphql(args) { // Always return a Promise for a consistent API. return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(graphqlImpl(args))); } /** * The graphqlSync function also fulfills GraphQL operations by parsing, * validating, and executing a GraphQL document along side a GraphQL schema. * However, it guarantees to complete synchronously (or throw an error) assuming * that all field resolvers are also synchronous. */ function graphqlSync(args) { const result = graphqlImpl(args); // Assert that the execution was synchronous. if ((0, _isPromise.isPromise)(result)) { throw new Error('GraphQL execution failed to complete synchronously.'); } return result; } function graphqlImpl(args) { // Temporary for v15 to v16 migration. Remove in v17 arguments.length < 2 || (0, _devAssert.devAssert)( false, 'graphql@16 dropped long-deprecated support for positional arguments, please pass an object instead.', ); const { schema, source, rootValue, contextValue, variableValues, operationName, fieldResolver, typeResolver, } = args; // Validate Schema const schemaValidationErrors = (0, _validate.validateSchema)(schema); if (schemaValidationErrors.length > 0) { return { errors: schemaValidationErrors, }; } // Parse let document; try { document = (0, _parser.parse)(source); } catch (syntaxError) { return { errors: [syntaxError], }; } // Validate const validationErrors = (0, _validate2.validate)(schema, document); if (validationErrors.length > 0) { return { errors: validationErrors, }; } // Execute return (0, _execute.execute)({ schema, document, rootValue, contextValue, variableValues, operationName, fieldResolver, typeResolver, }); }