Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1731 lines
61 KiB

4 months ago
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var globals = require('./globals');
var graphql = require('graphql');
var trie = require('@wry/trie');
var tslib = require('tslib');
var caches = require('@wry/caches');
var optimism = require('optimism');
var zenObservableTs = require('zen-observable-ts');
function shouldInclude(_a, variables) {
var directives = _a.directives;
if (!directives || !directives.length) {
return true;
return getInclusionDirectives(directives).every(function (_a) {
var directive = _a.directive, ifArgument = _a.ifArgument;
var evaledValue = false;
if (ifArgument.value.kind === "Variable") {
evaledValue =
variables && variables[ifArgument.value.name.value];
globals.invariant(evaledValue !== void 0, 67, directive.name.value);
else {
evaledValue = ifArgument.value.value;
return directive.name.value === "skip" ? !evaledValue : evaledValue;
function getDirectiveNames(root) {
var names = [];
graphql.visit(root, {
Directive: function (node) {
return names;
var hasAnyDirectives = function (names, root) {
return hasDirectives(names, root, false);
var hasAllDirectives = function (names, root) {
return hasDirectives(names, root, true);
function hasDirectives(names, root, all) {
var nameSet = new Set(names);
var uniqueCount = nameSet.size;
graphql.visit(root, {
Directive: function (node) {
if (nameSet.delete(node.name.value) && (!all || !nameSet.size)) {
return graphql.BREAK;
return all ? !nameSet.size : nameSet.size < uniqueCount;
function hasClientExports(document) {
return document && hasDirectives(["client", "export"], document, true);
function isInclusionDirective(_a) {
var value = _a.name.value;
return value === "skip" || value === "include";
function getInclusionDirectives(directives) {
var result = [];
if (directives && directives.length) {
directives.forEach(function (directive) {
if (!isInclusionDirective(directive))
var directiveArguments = directive.arguments;
var directiveName = directive.name.value;
globals.invariant(directiveArguments && directiveArguments.length === 1, 68, directiveName);
var ifArgument = directiveArguments[0];
globals.invariant(ifArgument.name && ifArgument.name.value === "if", 69, directiveName);
var ifValue = ifArgument.value;
globals.invariant(ifValue &&
(ifValue.kind === "Variable" || ifValue.kind === "BooleanValue"), 70, directiveName);
result.push({ directive: directive, ifArgument: ifArgument });
return result;
var canUseWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === "function" &&
!globals.maybe(function () { return navigator.product == "ReactNative" && !global.HermesInternal; });
var canUseWeakSet = typeof WeakSet === "function";
var canUseSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.for === "function";
var canUseAsyncIteratorSymbol = canUseSymbol && Symbol.asyncIterator;
var canUseDOM = typeof globals.maybe(function () { return window.document.createElement; }) === "function";
var usingJSDOM =
globals.maybe(function () { return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("jsdom") >= 0; }) || false;
var canUseLayoutEffect = canUseDOM && !usingJSDOM;
function isNonNullObject(obj) {
return obj !== null && typeof obj === "object";
function isPlainObject(obj) {
return (obj !== null &&
typeof obj === "object" &&
(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype ||
Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null));
function getFragmentQueryDocument(document, fragmentName) {
var actualFragmentName = fragmentName;
var fragments = [];
document.definitions.forEach(function (definition) {
if (definition.kind === "OperationDefinition") {
throw globals.newInvariantError(
definition.name ? " named '".concat(definition.name.value, "'") : ""
if (definition.kind === "FragmentDefinition") {
if (typeof actualFragmentName === "undefined") {
globals.invariant(fragments.length === 1, 72, fragments.length);
actualFragmentName = fragments[0].name.value;
var query = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, document), { definitions: tslib.__spreadArray([
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "query",
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [
kind: "FragmentSpread",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: actualFragmentName,
], document.definitions, true) });
return query;
function createFragmentMap(fragments) {
if (fragments === void 0) { fragments = []; }
var symTable = {};
fragments.forEach(function (fragment) {
symTable[fragment.name.value] = fragment;
return symTable;
function getFragmentFromSelection(selection, fragmentMap) {
switch (selection.kind) {
case "InlineFragment":
return selection;
case "FragmentSpread": {
var fragmentName = selection.name.value;
if (typeof fragmentMap === "function") {
return fragmentMap(fragmentName);
var fragment = fragmentMap && fragmentMap[fragmentName];
globals.invariant(fragment, 73, fragmentName);
return fragment || null;
return null;
var scheduledCleanup = new WeakSet();
function schedule(cache) {
if (!scheduledCleanup.has(cache)) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
var AutoCleanedWeakCache = function (max, dispose) {
var cache = new caches.WeakCache(max, dispose);
cache.set = function (key, value) {
return caches.WeakCache.prototype.set.call(this, key, value);
return cache;
var AutoCleanedStrongCache = function (max, dispose) {
var cache = new caches.StrongCache(max, dispose);
cache.set = function (key, value) {
return caches.StrongCache.prototype.set.call(this, key, value);
return cache;
var cacheSizeSymbol = Symbol.for("apollo.cacheSize");
var cacheSizes = tslib.__assign({}, globals.global[cacheSizeSymbol]);
var globalCaches = {};
function registerGlobalCache(name, getSize) {
globalCaches[name] = getSize;
var canonicalStringify = Object.assign(function canonicalStringify(value) {
return JSON.stringify(value, stableObjectReplacer);
}, {
reset: function () {
sortingMap = new AutoCleanedStrongCache(cacheSizes.canonicalStringify || 1000 );
if (globalThis.__DEV__ !== false) {
registerGlobalCache("canonicalStringify", function () { return sortingMap.size; });
var sortingMap;
function stableObjectReplacer(key, value) {
if (value && typeof value === "object") {
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
if (proto === Object.prototype || proto === null) {
var keys = Object.keys(value);
if (keys.every(everyKeyInOrder))
return value;
var unsortedKey = JSON.stringify(keys);
var sortedKeys = sortingMap.get(unsortedKey);
if (!sortedKeys) {
var sortedKey = JSON.stringify(keys);
sortedKeys = sortingMap.get(sortedKey) || keys;
sortingMap.set(unsortedKey, sortedKeys);
sortingMap.set(sortedKey, sortedKeys);
var sortedObject_1 = Object.create(proto);
sortedKeys.forEach(function (key) {
sortedObject_1[key] = value[key];
return sortedObject_1;
return value;
function everyKeyInOrder(key, i, keys) {
return i === 0 || keys[i - 1] <= key;
function makeReference(id) {
return { __ref: String(id) };
function isReference(obj) {
return Boolean(obj && typeof obj === "object" && typeof obj.__ref === "string");
function isDocumentNode(value) {
return (isNonNullObject(value) &&
value.kind === "Document" &&
function isStringValue(value) {
return value.kind === "StringValue";
function isBooleanValue(value) {
return value.kind === "BooleanValue";
function isIntValue(value) {
return value.kind === "IntValue";
function isFloatValue(value) {
return value.kind === "FloatValue";
function isVariable(value) {
return value.kind === "Variable";
function isObjectValue(value) {
return value.kind === "ObjectValue";
function isListValue(value) {
return value.kind === "ListValue";
function isEnumValue(value) {
return value.kind === "EnumValue";
function isNullValue(value) {
return value.kind === "NullValue";
function valueToObjectRepresentation(argObj, name, value, variables) {
if (isIntValue(value) || isFloatValue(value)) {
argObj[name.value] = Number(value.value);
else if (isBooleanValue(value) || isStringValue(value)) {
argObj[name.value] = value.value;
else if (isObjectValue(value)) {
var nestedArgObj_1 = {};
value.fields.map(function (obj) {
return valueToObjectRepresentation(nestedArgObj_1, obj.name, obj.value, variables);
argObj[name.value] = nestedArgObj_1;
else if (isVariable(value)) {
var variableValue = (variables || {})[value.name.value];
argObj[name.value] = variableValue;
else if (isListValue(value)) {
argObj[name.value] = value.values.map(function (listValue) {
var nestedArgArrayObj = {};
valueToObjectRepresentation(nestedArgArrayObj, name, listValue, variables);
return nestedArgArrayObj[name.value];
else if (isEnumValue(value)) {
argObj[name.value] = value.value;
else if (isNullValue(value)) {
argObj[name.value] = null;
else {
throw globals.newInvariantError(82, name.value, value.kind);
function storeKeyNameFromField(field, variables) {
var directivesObj = null;
if (field.directives) {
directivesObj = {};
field.directives.forEach(function (directive) {
directivesObj[directive.name.value] = {};
if (directive.arguments) {
directive.arguments.forEach(function (_a) {
var name = _a.name, value = _a.value;
return valueToObjectRepresentation(directivesObj[directive.name.value], name, value, variables);
var argObj = null;
if (field.arguments && field.arguments.length) {
argObj = {};
field.arguments.forEach(function (_a) {
var name = _a.name, value = _a.value;
return valueToObjectRepresentation(argObj, name, value, variables);
return getStoreKeyName(field.name.value, argObj, directivesObj);
var storeKeyNameStringify = canonicalStringify;
var getStoreKeyName = Object.assign(function (fieldName, args, directives) {
if (args &&
directives &&
directives["connection"] &&
directives["connection"]["key"]) {
if (directives["connection"]["filter"] &&
directives["connection"]["filter"].length > 0) {
var filterKeys = directives["connection"]["filter"] ?
: [];
var filteredArgs_1 = {};
filterKeys.forEach(function (key) {
filteredArgs_1[key] = args[key];
return "".concat(directives["connection"]["key"], "(").concat(storeKeyNameStringify(filteredArgs_1), ")");
else {
return directives["connection"]["key"];
var completeFieldName = fieldName;
if (args) {
var stringifiedArgs = storeKeyNameStringify(args);
completeFieldName += "(".concat(stringifiedArgs, ")");
if (directives) {
Object.keys(directives).forEach(function (key) {
if (KNOWN_DIRECTIVES.indexOf(key) !== -1)
if (directives[key] && Object.keys(directives[key]).length) {
completeFieldName += "@".concat(key, "(").concat(storeKeyNameStringify(directives[key]), ")");
else {
completeFieldName += "@".concat(key);
return completeFieldName;
}, {
setStringify: function (s) {
var previous = storeKeyNameStringify;
storeKeyNameStringify = s;
return previous;
function argumentsObjectFromField(field, variables) {
if (field.arguments && field.arguments.length) {
var argObj_1 = {};
field.arguments.forEach(function (_a) {
var name = _a.name, value = _a.value;
return valueToObjectRepresentation(argObj_1, name, value, variables);
return argObj_1;
return null;
function resultKeyNameFromField(field) {
return field.alias ? field.alias.value : field.name.value;
function getTypenameFromResult(result, selectionSet, fragmentMap) {
var fragments;
for (var _i = 0, _a = selectionSet.selections; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var selection = _a[_i];
if (isField(selection)) {
if (selection.name.value === "__typename") {
return result[resultKeyNameFromField(selection)];
else if (fragments) {
else {
fragments = [selection];
if (typeof result.__typename === "string") {
return result.__typename;
if (fragments) {
for (var _b = 0, fragments_1 = fragments; _b < fragments_1.length; _b++) {
var selection = fragments_1[_b];
var typename = getTypenameFromResult(result, getFragmentFromSelection(selection, fragmentMap).selectionSet, fragmentMap);
if (typeof typename === "string") {
return typename;
function isField(selection) {
return selection.kind === "Field";
function isInlineFragment(selection) {
return selection.kind === "InlineFragment";
function checkDocument(doc) {
globals.invariant(doc && doc.kind === "Document", 74);
var operations = doc.definitions
.filter(function (d) { return d.kind !== "FragmentDefinition"; })
.map(function (definition) {
if (definition.kind !== "OperationDefinition") {
throw globals.newInvariantError(75, definition.kind);
return definition;
globals.invariant(operations.length <= 1, 76, operations.length);
return doc;
function getOperationDefinition(doc) {
return doc.definitions.filter(function (definition) {
return definition.kind === "OperationDefinition";
function getOperationName(doc) {
return (doc.definitions
.filter(function (definition) {
return definition.kind === "OperationDefinition" && !!definition.name;
.map(function (x) { return x.name.value; })[0] || null);
function getFragmentDefinitions(doc) {
return doc.definitions.filter(function (definition) {
return definition.kind === "FragmentDefinition";
function getQueryDefinition(doc) {
var queryDef = getOperationDefinition(doc);
globals.invariant(queryDef && queryDef.operation === "query", 77);
return queryDef;
function getFragmentDefinition(doc) {
globals.invariant(doc.kind === "Document", 78);
globals.invariant(doc.definitions.length <= 1, 79);
var fragmentDef = doc.definitions[0];
globals.invariant(fragmentDef.kind === "FragmentDefinition", 80);
return fragmentDef;
function getMainDefinition(queryDoc) {
var fragmentDefinition;
for (var _i = 0, _a = queryDoc.definitions; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var definition = _a[_i];
if (definition.kind === "OperationDefinition") {
var operation = definition.operation;
if (operation === "query" ||
operation === "mutation" ||
operation === "subscription") {
return definition;
if (definition.kind === "FragmentDefinition" && !fragmentDefinition) {
fragmentDefinition = definition;
if (fragmentDefinition) {
return fragmentDefinition;
throw globals.newInvariantError(81);
function getDefaultValues(definition) {
var defaultValues = Object.create(null);
var defs = definition && definition.variableDefinitions;
if (defs && defs.length) {
defs.forEach(function (def) {
if (def.defaultValue) {
valueToObjectRepresentation(defaultValues, def.variable.name, def.defaultValue);
return defaultValues;
function identity(document) {
return document;
var DocumentTransform = (function () {
function DocumentTransform(transform, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = Object.create(null); }
this.resultCache = canUseWeakSet ? new WeakSet() : new Set();
this.transform = transform;
if (options.getCacheKey) {
this.getCacheKey = options.getCacheKey;
this.cached = options.cache !== false;
DocumentTransform.prototype.getCacheKey = function (document) {
return [document];
DocumentTransform.identity = function () {
return new DocumentTransform(identity, { cache: false });
DocumentTransform.split = function (predicate, left, right) {
if (right === void 0) { right = DocumentTransform.identity(); }
return Object.assign(new DocumentTransform(function (document) {
var documentTransform = predicate(document) ? left : right;
return documentTransform.transformDocument(document);
{ cache: false }), { left: left, right: right });
DocumentTransform.prototype.resetCache = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.cached) {
var stableCacheKeys_1 = new trie.Trie(canUseWeakMap);
this.performWork = optimism.wrap(DocumentTransform.prototype.performWork.bind(this), {
makeCacheKey: function (document) {
var cacheKeys = _this.getCacheKey(document);
if (cacheKeys) {
globals.invariant(Array.isArray(cacheKeys), 66);
return stableCacheKeys_1.lookupArray(cacheKeys);
max: cacheSizes["documentTransform.cache"],
cache: (caches.WeakCache),
DocumentTransform.prototype.performWork = function (document) {
return this.transform(document);
DocumentTransform.prototype.transformDocument = function (document) {
if (this.resultCache.has(document)) {
return document;
var transformedDocument = this.performWork(document);
return transformedDocument;
DocumentTransform.prototype.concat = function (otherTransform) {
var _this = this;
return Object.assign(new DocumentTransform(function (document) {
return otherTransform.transformDocument(_this.transformDocument(document));
{ cache: false }), {
left: this,
right: otherTransform,
return DocumentTransform;
var printCache;
var print = Object.assign(function (ast) {
var result = printCache.get(ast);
if (!result) {
result = graphql.print(ast);
printCache.set(ast, result);
return result;
}, {
reset: function () {
printCache = new AutoCleanedWeakCache(cacheSizes.print || 2000 );
if (globalThis.__DEV__ !== false) {
registerGlobalCache("print", function () { return (printCache ? printCache.size : 0); });
var isArray = Array.isArray;
function isNonEmptyArray(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0;
kind: graphql.Kind.FIELD,
name: {
kind: graphql.Kind.NAME,
value: "__typename",
function isEmpty(op, fragmentMap) {
return (!op ||
op.selectionSet.selections.every(function (selection) {
return selection.kind === graphql.Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD &&
isEmpty(fragmentMap[selection.name.value], fragmentMap);
function nullIfDocIsEmpty(doc) {
return (isEmpty(getOperationDefinition(doc) || getFragmentDefinition(doc), createFragmentMap(getFragmentDefinitions(doc)))) ?
: doc;
function getDirectiveMatcher(configs) {
var names = new Map();
var tests = new Map();
configs.forEach(function (directive) {
if (directive) {
if (directive.name) {
names.set(directive.name, directive);
else if (directive.test) {
tests.set(directive.test, directive);
return function (directive) {
var config = names.get(directive.name.value);
if (!config && tests.size) {
tests.forEach(function (testConfig, test) {
if (test(directive)) {
config = testConfig;
return config;
function makeInUseGetterFunction(defaultKey) {
var map = new Map();
return function inUseGetterFunction(key) {
if (key === void 0) { key = defaultKey; }
var inUse = map.get(key);
if (!inUse) {
map.set(key, (inUse = {
variables: new Set(),
fragmentSpreads: new Set(),
return inUse;
function removeDirectivesFromDocument(directives, doc) {
var getInUseByOperationName = makeInUseGetterFunction("");
var getInUseByFragmentName = makeInUseGetterFunction("");
var getInUse = function (ancestors) {
for (var p = 0, ancestor = void 0; p < ancestors.length && (ancestor = ancestors[p]); ++p) {
if (isArray(ancestor))
if (ancestor.kind === graphql.Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION) {
return getInUseByOperationName(ancestor.name && ancestor.name.value);
if (ancestor.kind === graphql.Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION) {
return getInUseByFragmentName(ancestor.name.value);
globalThis.__DEV__ !== false && globals.invariant.error(83);
return null;
var operationCount = 0;
for (var i = doc.definitions.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (doc.definitions[i].kind === graphql.Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION) {
var directiveMatcher = getDirectiveMatcher(directives);
var shouldRemoveField = function (nodeDirectives) {
return isNonEmptyArray(nodeDirectives) &&
.some(function (config) { return config && config.remove; });
var originalFragmentDefsByPath = new Map();
var firstVisitMadeChanges = false;
var fieldOrInlineFragmentVisitor = {
enter: function (node) {
if (shouldRemoveField(node.directives)) {
firstVisitMadeChanges = true;
return null;
var docWithoutDirectiveSubtrees = graphql.visit(doc, {
Field: fieldOrInlineFragmentVisitor,
InlineFragment: fieldOrInlineFragmentVisitor,
VariableDefinition: {
enter: function () {
return false;
Variable: {
enter: function (node, _key, _parent, _path, ancestors) {
var inUse = getInUse(ancestors);
if (inUse) {
FragmentSpread: {
enter: function (node, _key, _parent, _path, ancestors) {
if (shouldRemoveField(node.directives)) {
firstVisitMadeChanges = true;
return null;
var inUse = getInUse(ancestors);
if (inUse) {
FragmentDefinition: {
enter: function (node, _key, _parent, path) {
originalFragmentDefsByPath.set(JSON.stringify(path), node);
leave: function (node, _key, _parent, path) {
var originalNode = originalFragmentDefsByPath.get(JSON.stringify(path));
if (node === originalNode) {
return node;
if (
operationCount > 0 &&
node.selectionSet.selections.every(function (selection) {
return selection.kind === graphql.Kind.FIELD &&
selection.name.value === "__typename";
})) {
getInUseByFragmentName(node.name.value).removed = true;
firstVisitMadeChanges = true;
return null;
Directive: {
leave: function (node) {
if (directiveMatcher(node)) {
firstVisitMadeChanges = true;
return null;
if (!firstVisitMadeChanges) {
return doc;
var populateTransitiveVars = function (inUse) {
if (!inUse.transitiveVars) {
inUse.transitiveVars = new Set(inUse.variables);
if (!inUse.removed) {
inUse.fragmentSpreads.forEach(function (childFragmentName) {
populateTransitiveVars(getInUseByFragmentName(childFragmentName)).transitiveVars.forEach(function (varName) {
return inUse;
var allFragmentNamesUsed = new Set();
docWithoutDirectiveSubtrees.definitions.forEach(function (def) {
if (def.kind === graphql.Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION) {
populateTransitiveVars(getInUseByOperationName(def.name && def.name.value)).fragmentSpreads.forEach(function (childFragmentName) {
else if (def.kind === graphql.Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION &&
operationCount === 0 &&
!getInUseByFragmentName(def.name.value).removed) {
allFragmentNamesUsed.forEach(function (fragmentName) {
populateTransitiveVars(getInUseByFragmentName(fragmentName)).fragmentSpreads.forEach(function (childFragmentName) {
var fragmentWillBeRemoved = function (fragmentName) {
return !!(
(!allFragmentNamesUsed.has(fragmentName) ||
var enterVisitor = {
enter: function (node) {
if (fragmentWillBeRemoved(node.name.value)) {
return null;
return nullIfDocIsEmpty(graphql.visit(docWithoutDirectiveSubtrees, {
FragmentSpread: enterVisitor,
FragmentDefinition: enterVisitor,
OperationDefinition: {
leave: function (node) {
if (node.variableDefinitions) {
var usedVariableNames_1 = populateTransitiveVars(
getInUseByOperationName(node.name && node.name.value)).transitiveVars;
if (usedVariableNames_1.size < node.variableDefinitions.length) {
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, node), { variableDefinitions: node.variableDefinitions.filter(function (varDef) {
return usedVariableNames_1.has(varDef.variable.name.value);
}) });
var addTypenameToDocument = Object.assign(function (doc) {
return graphql.visit(doc, {
SelectionSet: {
enter: function (node, _key, parent) {
if (parent &&
parent.kind ===
var selections = node.selections;
if (!selections) {
var skip = selections.some(function (selection) {
return (isField(selection) &&
(selection.name.value === "__typename" ||
selection.name.value.lastIndexOf("__", 0) === 0));
if (skip) {
var field = parent;
if (isField(field) &&
field.directives &&
field.directives.some(function (d) { return d.name.value === "export"; })) {
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, node), { selections: tslib.__spreadArray(tslib.__spreadArray([], selections, true), [TYPENAME_FIELD], false) });
}, {
added: function (field) {
return field === TYPENAME_FIELD;
var connectionRemoveConfig = {
test: function (directive) {
var willRemove = directive.name.value === "connection";
if (willRemove) {
if (!directive.arguments ||
!directive.arguments.some(function (arg) { return arg.name.value === "key"; })) {
globalThis.__DEV__ !== false && globals.invariant.warn(84);
return willRemove;
function removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument(doc) {
return removeDirectivesFromDocument([connectionRemoveConfig], checkDocument(doc));
function getArgumentMatcher(config) {
return function argumentMatcher(argument) {
return config.some(function (aConfig) {
return argument.value &&
argument.value.kind === graphql.Kind.VARIABLE &&
argument.value.name &&
(aConfig.name === argument.value.name.value ||
(aConfig.test && aConfig.test(argument)));
function removeArgumentsFromDocument(config, doc) {
var argMatcher = getArgumentMatcher(config);
return nullIfDocIsEmpty(graphql.visit(doc, {
OperationDefinition: {
enter: function (node) {
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, node), {
variableDefinitions: node.variableDefinitions ?
node.variableDefinitions.filter(function (varDef) {
return !config.some(function (arg) { return arg.name === varDef.variable.name.value; });
: [] });
Field: {
enter: function (node) {
var shouldRemoveField = config.some(function (argConfig) { return argConfig.remove; });
if (shouldRemoveField) {
var argMatchCount_1 = 0;
if (node.arguments) {
node.arguments.forEach(function (arg) {
if (argMatcher(arg)) {
argMatchCount_1 += 1;
if (argMatchCount_1 === 1) {
return null;
Argument: {
enter: function (node) {
if (argMatcher(node)) {
return null;
function removeFragmentSpreadFromDocument(config, doc) {
function enter(node) {
if (config.some(function (def) { return def.name === node.name.value; })) {
return null;
return nullIfDocIsEmpty(graphql.visit(doc, {
FragmentSpread: { enter: enter },
FragmentDefinition: { enter: enter },
function buildQueryFromSelectionSet(document) {
var definition = getMainDefinition(document);
var definitionOperation = definition.operation;
if (definitionOperation === "query") {
return document;
var modifiedDoc = graphql.visit(document, {
OperationDefinition: {
enter: function (node) {
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, node), { operation: "query" });
return modifiedDoc;
function removeClientSetsFromDocument(document) {
var modifiedDoc = removeDirectivesFromDocument([
test: function (directive) { return directive.name.value === "client"; },
remove: true,
], document);
return modifiedDoc;
function isOperation(document, operation) {
var _a;
return ((_a = getOperationDefinition(document)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.operation) === operation;
function isMutationOperation(document) {
return isOperation(document, "mutation");
function isQueryOperation(document) {
return isOperation(document, "query");
function isSubscriptionOperation(document) {
return isOperation(document, "subscription");
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function mergeDeep() {
var sources = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
sources[_i] = arguments[_i];
return mergeDeepArray(sources);
function mergeDeepArray(sources) {
var target = sources[0] || {};
var count = sources.length;
if (count > 1) {
var merger = new DeepMerger();
for (var i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
target = merger.merge(target, sources[i]);
return target;
var defaultReconciler = function (target, source, property) {
return this.merge(target[property], source[property]);
var DeepMerger = (function () {
function DeepMerger(reconciler) {
if (reconciler === void 0) { reconciler = defaultReconciler; }
this.reconciler = reconciler;
this.isObject = isNonNullObject;
this.pastCopies = new Set();
DeepMerger.prototype.merge = function (target, source) {
var _this = this;
var context = [];
for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
context[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
if (isNonNullObject(source) && isNonNullObject(target)) {
Object.keys(source).forEach(function (sourceKey) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(target, sourceKey)) {
var targetValue = target[sourceKey];
if (source[sourceKey] !== targetValue) {
var result = _this.reconciler.apply(_this, tslib.__spreadArray([target,
sourceKey], context, false));
if (result !== targetValue) {
target = _this.shallowCopyForMerge(target);
target[sourceKey] = result;
else {
target = _this.shallowCopyForMerge(target);
target[sourceKey] = source[sourceKey];
return target;
return source;
DeepMerger.prototype.shallowCopyForMerge = function (value) {
if (isNonNullObject(value)) {
if (!this.pastCopies.has(value)) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value = value.slice(0);
else {
value = tslib.__assign({ __proto__: Object.getPrototypeOf(value) }, value);
return value;
return DeepMerger;
function concatPagination(keyArgs) {
if (keyArgs === void 0) { keyArgs = false; }
return {
keyArgs: keyArgs,
merge: function (existing, incoming) {
return existing ? tslib.__spreadArray(tslib.__spreadArray([], existing, true), incoming, true) : incoming;
function offsetLimitPagination(keyArgs) {
if (keyArgs === void 0) { keyArgs = false; }
return {
keyArgs: keyArgs,
merge: function (existing, incoming, _a) {
var args = _a.args;
var merged = existing ? existing.slice(0) : [];
if (incoming) {
if (args) {
var _b = args.offset, offset = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b;
for (var i = 0; i < incoming.length; ++i) {
merged[offset + i] = incoming[i];
else {
merged.push.apply(merged, incoming);
return merged;
function relayStylePagination(keyArgs) {
if (keyArgs === void 0) { keyArgs = false; }
return {
keyArgs: keyArgs,
read: function (existing, _a) {
var canRead = _a.canRead, readField = _a.readField;
if (!existing)
return existing;
var edges = [];
var firstEdgeCursor = "";
var lastEdgeCursor = "";
existing.edges.forEach(function (edge) {
if (canRead(readField("node", edge))) {
if (edge.cursor) {
firstEdgeCursor = firstEdgeCursor || edge.cursor || "";
lastEdgeCursor = edge.cursor || lastEdgeCursor;
if (edges.length > 1 && firstEdgeCursor === lastEdgeCursor) {
firstEdgeCursor = "";
var _b = existing.pageInfo || {}, startCursor = _b.startCursor, endCursor = _b.endCursor;
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, getExtras(existing)), { edges: edges, pageInfo: tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, existing.pageInfo), {
startCursor: startCursor || firstEdgeCursor, endCursor: endCursor || lastEdgeCursor }) });
merge: function (existing, incoming, _a) {
var args = _a.args, isReference = _a.isReference, readField = _a.readField;
if (!existing) {
existing = makeEmptyData();
if (!incoming) {
return existing;
var incomingEdges = incoming.edges ?
incoming.edges.map(function (edge) {
if (isReference((edge = tslib.__assign({}, edge)))) {
edge.cursor = readField("cursor", edge);
return edge;
: [];
if (incoming.pageInfo) {
var pageInfo_1 = incoming.pageInfo;
var startCursor = pageInfo_1.startCursor, endCursor = pageInfo_1.endCursor;
var firstEdge = incomingEdges[0];
var lastEdge = incomingEdges[incomingEdges.length - 1];
if (firstEdge && startCursor) {
firstEdge.cursor = startCursor;
if (lastEdge && endCursor) {
lastEdge.cursor = endCursor;
var firstCursor = firstEdge && firstEdge.cursor;
if (firstCursor && !startCursor) {
incoming = mergeDeep(incoming, {
pageInfo: {
startCursor: firstCursor,
var lastCursor = lastEdge && lastEdge.cursor;
if (lastCursor && !endCursor) {
incoming = mergeDeep(incoming, {
pageInfo: {
endCursor: lastCursor,
var prefix = existing.edges;
var suffix = [];
if (args && args.after) {
var index = prefix.findIndex(function (edge) { return edge.cursor === args.after; });
if (index >= 0) {
prefix = prefix.slice(0, index + 1);
else if (args && args.before) {
var index = prefix.findIndex(function (edge) { return edge.cursor === args.before; });
suffix = index < 0 ? prefix : prefix.slice(index);
prefix = [];
else if (incoming.edges) {
prefix = [];
var edges = tslib.__spreadArray(tslib.__spreadArray(tslib.__spreadArray([], prefix, true), incomingEdges, true), suffix, true);
var pageInfo = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, incoming.pageInfo), existing.pageInfo);
if (incoming.pageInfo) {
var _b = incoming.pageInfo, hasPreviousPage = _b.hasPreviousPage, hasNextPage = _b.hasNextPage, startCursor = _b.startCursor, endCursor = _b.endCursor, extras = tslib.__rest(_b, ["hasPreviousPage", "hasNextPage", "startCursor", "endCursor"]);
Object.assign(pageInfo, extras);
if (!prefix.length) {
if (void 0 !== hasPreviousPage)
pageInfo.hasPreviousPage = hasPreviousPage;
if (void 0 !== startCursor)
pageInfo.startCursor = startCursor;
if (!suffix.length) {
if (void 0 !== hasNextPage)
pageInfo.hasNextPage = hasNextPage;
if (void 0 !== endCursor)
pageInfo.endCursor = endCursor;
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, getExtras(existing)), getExtras(incoming)), { edges: edges, pageInfo: pageInfo });
var getExtras = function (obj) { return tslib.__rest(obj, notExtras); };
var notExtras = ["edges", "pageInfo"];
function makeEmptyData() {
return {
edges: [],
pageInfo: {
hasPreviousPage: false,
hasNextPage: true,
startCursor: "",
endCursor: "",
function createFulfilledPromise(value) {
var promise = Promise.resolve(value);
promise.status = "fulfilled";
promise.value = value;
return promise;
function createRejectedPromise(reason) {
var promise = Promise.reject(reason);
promise.catch(function () { });
promise.status = "rejected";
promise.reason = reason;
return promise;
function isStatefulPromise(promise) {
return "status" in promise;
function wrapPromiseWithState(promise) {
if (isStatefulPromise(promise)) {
return promise;
var pendingPromise = promise;
pendingPromise.status = "pending";
pendingPromise.then(function (value) {
if (pendingPromise.status === "pending") {
var fulfilledPromise = pendingPromise;
fulfilledPromise.status = "fulfilled";
fulfilledPromise.value = value;
}, function (reason) {
if (pendingPromise.status === "pending") {
var rejectedPromise = pendingPromise;
rejectedPromise.status = "rejected";
rejectedPromise.reason = reason;
return promise;
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
function cloneDeep(value) {
return cloneDeepHelper(value);
function cloneDeepHelper(val, seen) {
switch (toString.call(val)) {
case "[object Array]": {
seen = seen || new Map();
if (seen.has(val))
return seen.get(val);
var copy_1 = val.slice(0);
seen.set(val, copy_1);
copy_1.forEach(function (child, i) {
copy_1[i] = cloneDeepHelper(child, seen);
return copy_1;
case "[object Object]": {
seen = seen || new Map();
if (seen.has(val))
return seen.get(val);
var copy_2 = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(val));
seen.set(val, copy_2);
Object.keys(val).forEach(function (key) {
copy_2[key] = cloneDeepHelper(val[key], seen);
return copy_2;
return val;
function deepFreeze(value) {
var workSet = new Set([value]);
workSet.forEach(function (obj) {
if (isNonNullObject(obj) && shallowFreeze(obj) === obj) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function (name) {
if (isNonNullObject(obj[name]))
return value;
function shallowFreeze(obj) {
if (globalThis.__DEV__ !== false && !Object.isFrozen(obj)) {
try {
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof TypeError)
return null;
throw e;
return obj;
function maybeDeepFreeze(obj) {
if (globalThis.__DEV__ !== false) {
return obj;
function iterateObserversSafely(observers, method, argument) {
var observersWithMethod = [];
observers.forEach(function (obs) { return obs[method] && observersWithMethod.push(obs); });
observersWithMethod.forEach(function (obs) { return obs[method](argument); });
function asyncMap(observable, mapFn, catchFn) {
return new zenObservableTs.Observable(function (observer) {
var promiseQueue = {
then: function (callback) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) { return resolve(callback()); });
function makeCallback(examiner, key) {
return function (arg) {
if (examiner) {
var both = function () {
return observer.closed ?
: examiner(arg);
promiseQueue = promiseQueue.then(both, both).then(function (result) { return observer.next(result); }, function (error) { return observer.error(error); });
else {
var handler = {
next: makeCallback(mapFn, "next"),
error: makeCallback(catchFn, "error"),
complete: function () {
promiseQueue.then(function () { return observer.complete(); });
var sub = observable.subscribe(handler);
return function () { return sub.unsubscribe(); };
function fixObservableSubclass(subclass) {
function set(key) {
Object.defineProperty(subclass, key, { value: zenObservableTs.Observable });
if (canUseSymbol && Symbol.species) {
return subclass;
function isPromiseLike(value) {
return value && typeof value.then === "function";
var Concast = (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(Concast, _super);
function Concast(sources) {
var _this = _super.call(this, function (observer) {
return function () { return _this.removeObserver(observer); };
}) || this;
_this.observers = new Set();
_this.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
_this.resolve = resolve;
_this.reject = reject;
_this.handlers = {
next: function (result) {
if (_this.sub !== null) {
_this.latest = ["next", result];
_this.notify("next", result);
iterateObserversSafely(_this.observers, "next", result);
error: function (error) {
var sub = _this.sub;
if (sub !== null) {
if (sub)
setTimeout(function () { return sub.unsubscribe(); });
_this.sub = null;
_this.latest = ["error", error];
_this.notify("error", error);
iterateObserversSafely(_this.observers, "error", error);
complete: function () {
var _a = _this, sub = _a.sub, _b = _a.sources, sources = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b;
if (sub !== null) {
var value = sources.shift();
if (!value) {
if (sub)
setTimeout(function () { return sub.unsubscribe(); });
_this.sub = null;
if (_this.latest && _this.latest[0] === "next") {
else {
iterateObserversSafely(_this.observers, "complete");
else if (isPromiseLike(value)) {
value.then(function (obs) { return (_this.sub = obs.subscribe(_this.handlers)); }, _this.handlers.error);
else {
_this.sub = value.subscribe(_this.handlers);
_this.nextResultListeners = new Set();
_this.cancel = function (reason) {
_this.sources = [];
_this.promise.catch(function (_) { });
if (typeof sources === "function") {
sources = [new zenObservableTs.Observable(sources)];
if (isPromiseLike(sources)) {
sources.then(function (iterable) { return _this.start(iterable); }, _this.handlers.error);
else {
return _this;
Concast.prototype.start = function (sources) {
if (this.sub !== void 0)
this.sources = Array.from(sources);
Concast.prototype.deliverLastMessage = function (observer) {
if (this.latest) {
var nextOrError = this.latest[0];
var method = observer[nextOrError];
if (method) {
method.call(observer, this.latest[1]);
if (this.sub === null && nextOrError === "next" && observer.complete) {
Concast.prototype.addObserver = function (observer) {
if (!this.observers.has(observer)) {
Concast.prototype.removeObserver = function (observer) {
if (this.observers.delete(observer) && this.observers.size < 1) {
Concast.prototype.notify = function (method, arg) {
var nextResultListeners = this.nextResultListeners;
if (nextResultListeners.size) {
this.nextResultListeners = new Set();
nextResultListeners.forEach(function (listener) { return listener(method, arg); });
Concast.prototype.beforeNext = function (callback) {
var called = false;
this.nextResultListeners.add(function (method, arg) {
if (!called) {
called = true;
callback(method, arg);
return Concast;
function isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(value) {
return "incremental" in value;
function isExecutionPatchInitialResult(value) {
return "hasNext" in value && "data" in value;
function isExecutionPatchResult(value) {
return (isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(value) ||
function isApolloPayloadResult(value) {
return isNonNullObject(value) && "payload" in value;
function mergeIncrementalData(prevResult, result) {
var mergedData = prevResult;
var merger = new DeepMerger();
if (isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(result) &&
isNonEmptyArray(result.incremental)) {
result.incremental.forEach(function (_a) {
var data = _a.data, path = _a.path;
for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var key = path[i];
var isNumericKey = !isNaN(+key);
var parent_1 = isNumericKey ? [] : {};
parent_1[key] = data;
data = parent_1;
mergedData = merger.merge(mergedData, data);
return mergedData;
function graphQLResultHasError(result) {
var errors = getGraphQLErrorsFromResult(result);
return isNonEmptyArray(errors);
function getGraphQLErrorsFromResult(result) {
var graphQLErrors = isNonEmptyArray(result.errors) ? result.errors.slice(0) : [];
if (isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(result) &&
isNonEmptyArray(result.incremental)) {
result.incremental.forEach(function (incrementalResult) {
if (incrementalResult.errors) {
graphQLErrors.push.apply(graphQLErrors, incrementalResult.errors);
return graphQLErrors;
function compact() {
var objects = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
objects[_i] = arguments[_i];
var result = Object.create(null);
objects.forEach(function (obj) {
if (!obj)
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
var value = obj[key];
if (value !== void 0) {
result[key] = value;
return result;
var prefixCounts = new Map();
function makeUniqueId(prefix) {
var count = prefixCounts.get(prefix) || 1;
prefixCounts.set(prefix, count + 1);
return "".concat(prefix, ":").concat(count, ":").concat(Math.random().toString(36).slice(2));
function stringifyForDisplay(value, space) {
if (space === void 0) { space = 0; }
var undefId = makeUniqueId("stringifyForDisplay");
return JSON.stringify(value, function (key, value) {
return value === void 0 ? undefId : value;
}, space)
function mergeOptions(defaults, options) {
return compact(defaults, options, options.variables && {
variables: compact(tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, (defaults && defaults.variables)), options.variables)),
function omitDeep(value, key) {
return __omitDeep(value, key);
function __omitDeep(value, key, known) {
if (known === void 0) { known = new Map(); }
if (known.has(value)) {
return known.get(value);
var modified = false;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
var array_1 = [];
known.set(value, array_1);
value.forEach(function (value, index) {
var result = __omitDeep(value, key, known);
modified || (modified = result !== value);
array_1[index] = result;
if (modified) {
return array_1;
else if (isPlainObject(value)) {
var obj_1 = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(value));
known.set(value, obj_1);
Object.keys(value).forEach(function (k) {
if (k === key) {
modified = true;
var result = __omitDeep(value[k], key, known);
modified || (modified = result !== value[k]);
obj_1[k] = result;
if (modified) {
return obj_1;
return value;
function stripTypename(value) {
return omitDeep(value, "__typename");
exports.DEV = globals.DEV;
exports.maybe = globals.maybe;
exports.Observable = zenObservableTs.Observable;
exports.AutoCleanedStrongCache = AutoCleanedStrongCache;
exports.AutoCleanedWeakCache = AutoCleanedWeakCache;
exports.Concast = Concast;
exports.DeepMerger = DeepMerger;
exports.DocumentTransform = DocumentTransform;
exports.addTypenameToDocument = addTypenameToDocument;
exports.argumentsObjectFromField = argumentsObjectFromField;
exports.asyncMap = asyncMap;
exports.buildQueryFromSelectionSet = buildQueryFromSelectionSet;
exports.cacheSizes = cacheSizes;
exports.canUseAsyncIteratorSymbol = canUseAsyncIteratorSymbol;
exports.canUseDOM = canUseDOM;
exports.canUseLayoutEffect = canUseLayoutEffect;
exports.canUseSymbol = canUseSymbol;
exports.canUseWeakMap = canUseWeakMap;
exports.canUseWeakSet = canUseWeakSet;
exports.canonicalStringify = canonicalStringify;
exports.checkDocument = checkDocument;
exports.cloneDeep = cloneDeep;
exports.compact = compact;
exports.concatPagination = concatPagination;
exports.createFragmentMap = createFragmentMap;
exports.createFulfilledPromise = createFulfilledPromise;
exports.createRejectedPromise = createRejectedPromise;
exports.fixObservableSubclass = fixObservableSubclass;
exports.getDefaultValues = getDefaultValues;
exports.getDirectiveNames = getDirectiveNames;
exports.getFragmentDefinition = getFragmentDefinition;
exports.getFragmentDefinitions = getFragmentDefinitions;
exports.getFragmentFromSelection = getFragmentFromSelection;
exports.getFragmentQueryDocument = getFragmentQueryDocument;
exports.getGraphQLErrorsFromResult = getGraphQLErrorsFromResult;
exports.getInclusionDirectives = getInclusionDirectives;
exports.getMainDefinition = getMainDefinition;
exports.getOperationDefinition = getOperationDefinition;
exports.getOperationName = getOperationName;
exports.getQueryDefinition = getQueryDefinition;
exports.getStoreKeyName = getStoreKeyName;
exports.getTypenameFromResult = getTypenameFromResult;
exports.graphQLResultHasError = graphQLResultHasError;
exports.hasAllDirectives = hasAllDirectives;
exports.hasAnyDirectives = hasAnyDirectives;
exports.hasClientExports = hasClientExports;
exports.hasDirectives = hasDirectives;
exports.isApolloPayloadResult = isApolloPayloadResult;
exports.isArray = isArray;
exports.isDocumentNode = isDocumentNode;
exports.isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult = isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult;
exports.isExecutionPatchInitialResult = isExecutionPatchInitialResult;
exports.isExecutionPatchResult = isExecutionPatchResult;
exports.isField = isField;
exports.isInlineFragment = isInlineFragment;
exports.isMutationOperation = isMutationOperation;
exports.isNonEmptyArray = isNonEmptyArray;
exports.isNonNullObject = isNonNullObject;
exports.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;
exports.isQueryOperation = isQueryOperation;
exports.isReference = isReference;
exports.isStatefulPromise = isStatefulPromise;
exports.isSubscriptionOperation = isSubscriptionOperation;
exports.iterateObserversSafely = iterateObserversSafely;
exports.makeReference = makeReference;
exports.makeUniqueId = makeUniqueId;
exports.maybeDeepFreeze = maybeDeepFreeze;
exports.mergeDeep = mergeDeep;
exports.mergeDeepArray = mergeDeepArray;
exports.mergeIncrementalData = mergeIncrementalData;
exports.mergeOptions = mergeOptions;
exports.offsetLimitPagination = offsetLimitPagination;
exports.omitDeep = omitDeep;
exports.print = print;
exports.relayStylePagination = relayStylePagination;
exports.removeArgumentsFromDocument = removeArgumentsFromDocument;
exports.removeClientSetsFromDocument = removeClientSetsFromDocument;
exports.removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument = removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument;
exports.removeDirectivesFromDocument = removeDirectivesFromDocument;
exports.removeFragmentSpreadFromDocument = removeFragmentSpreadFromDocument;
exports.resultKeyNameFromField = resultKeyNameFromField;
exports.shouldInclude = shouldInclude;
exports.storeKeyNameFromField = storeKeyNameFromField;
exports.stringifyForDisplay = stringifyForDisplay;
exports.stripTypename = stripTypename;
exports.valueToObjectRepresentation = valueToObjectRepresentation;
exports.wrapPromiseWithState = wrapPromiseWithState;
//# sourceMappingURL=utilities.cjs.map