Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

11 lines
550 B

4 months ago
/// <reference types="node" />
/// <reference types="jest" />
type ConsoleMethod = "log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "debug";
type Spies<Keys extends ConsoleMethod[]> = Record<Keys[number], jest.SpyInstance<void, any[], any>>;
/** @internal */
export declare function spyOnConsole<Keys extends ConsoleMethod[]>(...spyOn: Keys): Spies<Keys> & Disposable;
export declare namespace spyOnConsole {
var takeSnapshots: <Keys extends ConsoleMethod[]>(...spyOn: Keys) => Spies<Keys> & Disposable;
export {};
//# sourceMappingURL=spyOnConsole.d.ts.map