Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
6.3 KiB

4 months ago
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.makeBehavior = void 0;
const server_1 = require("../server");
const common_1 = require("../common");
const utils_1 = require("../utils");
* Make the behaviour for using a [uWebSockets.js](https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets.js) WebSocket server.
* This is a basic starter, feel free to copy the code over and adjust it to your needs
* @category Server/uWebSockets
function makeBehavior(options, behavior = {},
* The timout between dispatched keep-alive messages. Internally uses the [ws Ping and Pongs]((https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/wss_API/Writing_ws_servers#Pings_and_Pongs_The_Heartbeat_of_wss))
* to check that the link between the clients and the server is operating and to prevent the link
* from being broken due to idling.
* @default 12_000 // 12 seconds
keepAlive = 12000) {
const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
const server = (0, server_1.makeServer)(options);
const clients = new Map();
let onDrain = () => {
// gets called when backpressure drains
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, behavior), { pong(...args) {
var _a;
(_a = behavior.pong) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(behavior, ...args);
const [socket] = args;
const client = clients.get(socket);
if (!client)
throw new Error('Pong received for a missing client');
if (client.pongWaitTimeout) {
client.pongWaitTimeout = null;
upgrade(...args) {
var _a;
(_a = behavior.upgrade) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(behavior, ...args);
const [res, req, context] = args;
const headers = {};
req.forEach((key, value) => {
headers[key] = value;
persistedRequest: {
method: req.getMethod(),
url: req.getUrl(),
query: req.getQuery(),
}, req.getHeader('sec-websocket-key'), (0, server_1.handleProtocols)(req.getHeader('sec-websocket-protocol')) ||
new Uint8Array(), req.getHeader('sec-websocket-extensions'), context);
open(...args) {
var _a;
(_a = behavior.open) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(behavior, ...args);
const socket = args[0];
const persistedRequest = socket.persistedRequest;
// prepare client object
const client = {
pingInterval: null,
pongWaitTimeout: null,
handleMessage: () => {
throw new Error('Message received before handler was registered');
closed: () => {
throw new Error('Closed before handler was registered');
client.closed = server.opened({
protocol: (0, server_1.handleProtocols)(persistedRequest.headers['sec-websocket-protocol'] || '') || '',
send: async (message) => {
// the socket might have been destroyed in the meantime
if (!clients.has(socket))
if (!socket.send(message))
// if backpressure is built up wait for drain
await new Promise((resolve) => (onDrain = resolve));
close: (code, reason) => {
// end socket in next tick making sure the client is registered
setImmediate(() => {
// the socket might have been destroyed before issuing a close
if (clients.has(socket))
socket.end(code, reason);
onMessage: (cb) => (client.handleMessage = cb),
}, { socket, persistedRequest });
if (keepAlive > 0 && isFinite(keepAlive)) {
client.pingInterval = setInterval(() => {
// terminate the connection after pong wait has passed because the client is idle
client.pongWaitTimeout = setTimeout(() => socket.close(), keepAlive);
}, keepAlive);
clients.set(socket, client);
drain(...args) {
var _a;
(_a = behavior.drain) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(behavior, ...args);
async message(...args) {
var _a;
(_a = behavior.message) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(behavior, ...args);
const [socket, message] = args;
const client = clients.get(socket);
if (!client)
throw new Error('Message received for a missing client');
try {
await client.handleMessage(Buffer.from(message).toString());
catch (err) {
console.error('Internal error occurred during message handling. ' +
'Please check your implementation.', err);
socket.end(common_1.CloseCode.InternalServerError, isProd
? 'Internal server error'
: (0, utils_1.limitCloseReason)(err instanceof Error ? err.message : String(err), 'Internal server error'));
close(...args) {
var _a;
(_a = behavior.close) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(behavior, ...args);
const [socket, code, message] = args;
const client = clients.get(socket);
if (!client)
throw new Error('Closing a missing client');
if (client.pongWaitTimeout)
if (client.pingInterval)
client.closed(code, Buffer.from(message).toString());
} });
exports.makeBehavior = makeBehavior;