Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 months ago
import { inspect } from '../../jsutils/inspect.mjs';
import { GraphQLError } from '../../error/GraphQLError.mjs';
import { Kind } from '../../language/kinds.mjs';
import { isNonNullType } from '../../type/definition.mjs';
import { isTypeSubTypeOf } from '../../utilities/typeComparators.mjs';
import { typeFromAST } from '../../utilities/typeFromAST.mjs';
* Variables in allowed position
* Variable usages must be compatible with the arguments they are passed to.
* See https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-All-Variable-Usages-are-Allowed
export function VariablesInAllowedPositionRule(context) {
let varDefMap = Object.create(null);
return {
OperationDefinition: {
enter() {
varDefMap = Object.create(null);
leave(operation) {
const usages = context.getRecursiveVariableUsages(operation);
for (const { node, type, defaultValue } of usages) {
const varName = node.name.value;
const varDef = varDefMap[varName];
if (varDef && type) {
// A var type is allowed if it is the same or more strict (e.g. is
// a subtype of) than the expected type. It can be more strict if
// the variable type is non-null when the expected type is nullable.
// If both are list types, the variable item type can be more strict
// than the expected item type (contravariant).
const schema = context.getSchema();
const varType = typeFromAST(schema, varDef.type);
if (
varType &&
) {
const varTypeStr = inspect(varType);
const typeStr = inspect(type);
new GraphQLError(
`Variable "$${varName}" of type "${varTypeStr}" used in position expecting type "${typeStr}".`,
nodes: [varDef, node],
VariableDefinition(node) {
varDefMap[node.variable.name.value] = node;
* Returns true if the variable is allowed in the location it was found,
* which includes considering if default values exist for either the variable
* or the location at which it is located.
function allowedVariableUsage(
) {
if (isNonNullType(locationType) && !isNonNullType(varType)) {
const hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue =
varDefaultValue != null && varDefaultValue.kind !== Kind.NULL;
const hasLocationDefaultValue = locationDefaultValue !== undefined;
if (!hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue && !hasLocationDefaultValue) {
return false;
const nullableLocationType = locationType.ofType;
return isTypeSubTypeOf(schema, varType, nullableLocationType);
return isTypeSubTypeOf(schema, varType, locationType);