Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

200 lines
9.6 KiB

4 months ago
import { __assign, __rest as __rest_1, __spreadArray } from "tslib";
import { __rest } from "tslib";
import { mergeDeep } from "../common/mergeDeep.js";
// A very basic pagination field policy that always concatenates new
// results onto the existing array, without examining options.args.
export function concatPagination(keyArgs) {
if (keyArgs === void 0) { keyArgs = false; }
return {
keyArgs: keyArgs,
merge: function (existing, incoming) {
return existing ? __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], existing, true), incoming, true) : incoming;
// A basic field policy that uses options.args.{offset,limit} to splice
// the incoming data into the existing array. If your arguments are called
// something different (like args.{start,count}), feel free to copy/paste
// this implementation and make the appropriate changes.
export function offsetLimitPagination(keyArgs) {
if (keyArgs === void 0) { keyArgs = false; }
return {
keyArgs: keyArgs,
merge: function (existing, incoming, _a) {
var args = _a.args;
var merged = existing ? existing.slice(0) : [];
if (incoming) {
if (args) {
// Assume an offset of 0 if args.offset omitted.
var _b = args.offset, offset = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b;
for (var i = 0; i < incoming.length; ++i) {
merged[offset + i] = incoming[i];
else {
// It's unusual (probably a mistake) for a paginated field not
// to receive any arguments, so you might prefer to throw an
// exception here, instead of recovering by appending incoming
// onto the existing array.
merged.push.apply(merged, incoming);
return merged;
// As proof of the flexibility of field policies, this function generates
// one that handles Relay-style pagination, without Apollo Client knowing
// anything about connections, edges, cursors, or pageInfo objects.
export function relayStylePagination(keyArgs) {
if (keyArgs === void 0) { keyArgs = false; }
return {
keyArgs: keyArgs,
read: function (existing, _a) {
var canRead = _a.canRead, readField = _a.readField;
if (!existing)
return existing;
var edges = [];
var firstEdgeCursor = "";
var lastEdgeCursor = "";
existing.edges.forEach(function (edge) {
// Edges themselves could be Reference objects, so it's important
// to use readField to access the edge.edge.node property.
if (canRead(readField("node", edge))) {
if (edge.cursor) {
firstEdgeCursor = firstEdgeCursor || edge.cursor || "";
lastEdgeCursor = edge.cursor || lastEdgeCursor;
if (edges.length > 1 && firstEdgeCursor === lastEdgeCursor) {
firstEdgeCursor = "";
var _b = existing.pageInfo || {}, startCursor = _b.startCursor, endCursor = _b.endCursor;
return __assign(__assign({}, getExtras(existing)), { edges: edges, pageInfo: __assign(__assign({}, existing.pageInfo), {
// If existing.pageInfo.{start,end}Cursor are undefined or "", default
// to firstEdgeCursor and/or lastEdgeCursor.
startCursor: startCursor || firstEdgeCursor, endCursor: endCursor || lastEdgeCursor }) });
merge: function (existing, incoming, _a) {
var args = _a.args, isReference = _a.isReference, readField = _a.readField;
if (!existing) {
existing = makeEmptyData();
if (!incoming) {
return existing;
var incomingEdges = incoming.edges ?
incoming.edges.map(function (edge) {
if (isReference((edge = __assign({}, edge)))) {
// In case edge is a Reference, we read out its cursor field and
// store it as an extra property of the Reference object.
edge.cursor = readField("cursor", edge);
return edge;
: [];
if (incoming.pageInfo) {
var pageInfo_1 = incoming.pageInfo;
var startCursor = pageInfo_1.startCursor, endCursor = pageInfo_1.endCursor;
var firstEdge = incomingEdges[0];
var lastEdge = incomingEdges[incomingEdges.length - 1];
// In case we did not request the cursor field for edges in this
// query, we can still infer cursors from pageInfo.
if (firstEdge && startCursor) {
firstEdge.cursor = startCursor;
if (lastEdge && endCursor) {
lastEdge.cursor = endCursor;
// Cursors can also come from edges, so we default
// pageInfo.{start,end}Cursor to {first,last}Edge.cursor.
var firstCursor = firstEdge && firstEdge.cursor;
if (firstCursor && !startCursor) {
incoming = mergeDeep(incoming, {
pageInfo: {
startCursor: firstCursor,
var lastCursor = lastEdge && lastEdge.cursor;
if (lastCursor && !endCursor) {
incoming = mergeDeep(incoming, {
pageInfo: {
endCursor: lastCursor,
var prefix = existing.edges;
var suffix = [];
if (args && args.after) {
// This comparison does not need to use readField("cursor", edge),
// because we stored the cursor field of any Reference edges as an
// extra property of the Reference object.
var index = prefix.findIndex(function (edge) { return edge.cursor === args.after; });
if (index >= 0) {
prefix = prefix.slice(0, index + 1);
// suffix = []; // already true
else if (args && args.before) {
var index = prefix.findIndex(function (edge) { return edge.cursor === args.before; });
suffix = index < 0 ? prefix : prefix.slice(index);
prefix = [];
else if (incoming.edges) {
// If we have neither args.after nor args.before, the incoming
// edges cannot be spliced into the existing edges, so they must
// replace the existing edges. See #6592 for a motivating example.
prefix = [];
var edges = __spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], prefix, true), incomingEdges, true), suffix, true);
var pageInfo = __assign(__assign({}, incoming.pageInfo), existing.pageInfo);
if (incoming.pageInfo) {
var _b = incoming.pageInfo, hasPreviousPage = _b.hasPreviousPage, hasNextPage = _b.hasNextPage, startCursor = _b.startCursor, endCursor = _b.endCursor, extras = __rest_1(_b, ["hasPreviousPage", "hasNextPage", "startCursor", "endCursor"]);
// If incoming.pageInfo had any extra non-standard properties,
// assume they should take precedence over any existing properties
// of the same name, regardless of where this page falls with
// respect to the existing data.
Object.assign(pageInfo, extras);
// Keep existing.pageInfo.has{Previous,Next}Page unless the
// placement of the incoming edges means incoming.hasPreviousPage
// or incoming.hasNextPage should become the new values for those
// properties in existing.pageInfo. Note that these updates are
// only permitted when the beginning or end of the incoming page
// coincides with the beginning or end of the existing data, as
// determined using prefix.length and suffix.length.
if (!prefix.length) {
if (void 0 !== hasPreviousPage)
pageInfo.hasPreviousPage = hasPreviousPage;
if (void 0 !== startCursor)
pageInfo.startCursor = startCursor;
if (!suffix.length) {
if (void 0 !== hasNextPage)
pageInfo.hasNextPage = hasNextPage;
if (void 0 !== endCursor)
pageInfo.endCursor = endCursor;
return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, getExtras(existing)), getExtras(incoming)), { edges: edges, pageInfo: pageInfo });
// Returns any unrecognized properties of the given object.
var getExtras = function (obj) { return __rest(obj, notExtras); };
var notExtras = ["edges", "pageInfo"];
function makeEmptyData() {
return {
edges: [],
pageInfo: {
hasPreviousPage: false,
hasNextPage: true,
startCursor: "",
endCursor: "",
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