Odoo GraphQL Subscription using Node, Express JS for Sample
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4 months ago
import { __assign, __rest } from "tslib";
import { invariant } from "../../utilities/globals/index.js";
import * as React from "rehackt";
import { useSyncExternalStore } from "./useSyncExternalStore.js";
import { equal } from "@wry/equality";
import { mergeOptions } from "../../utilities/index.js";
import { getApolloContext } from "../context/index.js";
import { ApolloError } from "../../errors/index.js";
import { NetworkStatus } from "../../core/index.js";
import { DocumentType, verifyDocumentType } from "../parser/index.js";
import { useApolloClient } from "./useApolloClient.js";
import { canUseWeakMap, compact, isNonEmptyArray, maybeDeepFreeze, } from "../../utilities/index.js";
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
* A hook for executing queries in an Apollo application.
* To run a query within a React component, call `useQuery` and pass it a GraphQL query document.
* When your component renders, `useQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains `loading`, `error`, and `data` properties you can use to render your UI.
* > Refer to the [Queries](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/data/queries) section for a more in-depth overview of `useQuery`.
* @example
* ```jsx
* import { gql, useQuery } from '@apollo/client';
* const GET_GREETING = gql`
* query GetGreeting($language: String!) {
* greeting(language: $language) {
* message
* }
* }
* `;
* function Hello() {
* const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_GREETING, {
* variables: { language: 'english' },
* });
* if (loading) return <p>Loading ...</p>;
* return <h1>Hello {data.greeting.message}!</h1>;
* }
* ```
* @since 3.0.0
* @param query - A GraphQL query document parsed into an AST by `gql`.
* @param options - Options to control how the query is executed.
* @returns Query result object
export function useQuery(query, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = Object.create(null); }
return useInternalState(useApolloClient(options.client), query).useQuery(options);
export function useInternalState(client, query) {
var stateRef = React.useRef();
if (!stateRef.current ||
client !== stateRef.current.client ||
query !== stateRef.current.query) {
stateRef.current = new InternalState(client, query, stateRef.current);
var state = stateRef.current;
// By default, InternalState.prototype.forceUpdate is an empty function, but
// we replace it here (before anyone has had a chance to see this state yet)
// with a function that unconditionally forces an update, using the latest
// setTick function. Updating this state by calling state.forceUpdate is the
// only way we trigger React component updates (no other useState calls within
// the InternalState class).
state.forceUpdateState = React.useReducer(function (tick) { return tick + 1; }, 0)[1];
return state;
var InternalState = /** @class */ (function () {
function InternalState(client, query, previous) {
var _this = this;
this.client = client;
this.query = query;
* Will be overwritten by the `useSyncExternalStore` "force update" method
* whenever it is available and reset to `forceUpdateState` when it isn't.
this.forceUpdate = function () { return _this.forceUpdateState(); };
this.ssrDisabledResult = maybeDeepFreeze({
loading: true,
data: void 0,
error: void 0,
networkStatus: NetworkStatus.loading,
this.skipStandbyResult = maybeDeepFreeze({
loading: false,
data: void 0,
error: void 0,
networkStatus: NetworkStatus.ready,
// This cache allows the referential stability of this.result (as returned by
// getCurrentResult) to translate into referential stability of the resulting
// QueryResult object returned by toQueryResult.
this.toQueryResultCache = new (canUseWeakMap ? WeakMap : Map)();
verifyDocumentType(query, DocumentType.Query);
// Reuse previousData from previous InternalState (if any) to provide
// continuity of previousData even if/when the query or client changes.
var previousResult = previous && previous.result;
var previousData = previousResult && previousResult.data;
if (previousData) {
this.previousData = previousData;
* Forces an update using local component state.
* As this is not batched with `useSyncExternalStore` updates,
* this is only used as a fallback if the `useSyncExternalStore` "force update"
* method is not registered at the moment.
* See https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/25191
* */
InternalState.prototype.forceUpdateState = function () {
// Replaced (in useInternalState) with a method that triggers an update.
globalThis.__DEV__ !== false && invariant.warn(51);
InternalState.prototype.executeQuery = function (options) {
var _this = this;
var _a;
if (options.query) {
Object.assign(this, { query: options.query });
this.watchQueryOptions = this.createWatchQueryOptions((this.queryHookOptions = options));
var concast = this.observable.reobserveAsConcast(this.getObsQueryOptions());
// Make sure getCurrentResult returns a fresh ApolloQueryResult<TData>,
// but save the current data as this.previousData, just like setResult
// usually does.
this.previousData = ((_a = this.result) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.data) || this.previousData;
this.result = void 0;
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var result;
// Subscribe to the concast independently of the ObservableQuery in case
// the component gets unmounted before the promise resolves. This prevents
// the concast from terminating early and resolving with `undefined` when
// there are no more subscribers for the concast.
next: function (value) {
result = value;
error: function () {
complete: function () {
// Methods beginning with use- should be called according to the standard
// rules of React hooks: only at the top level of the calling function, and
// without any dynamic conditional logic.
InternalState.prototype.useQuery = function (options) {
var _this = this;
// The renderPromises field gets initialized here in the useQuery method, at
// the beginning of everything (for a given component rendering, at least),
// so we can safely use this.renderPromises in other/later InternalState
// methods without worrying it might be uninitialized. Even after
// initialization, this.renderPromises is usually undefined (unless SSR is
// happening), but that's fine as long as it has been initialized that way,
// rather than left uninitialized.
this.renderPromises = React.useContext(getApolloContext()).renderPromises;
var obsQuery = this.useObservableQuery();
var result = useSyncExternalStore(React.useCallback(function (handleStoreChange) {
if (_this.renderPromises) {
return function () { };
_this.forceUpdate = handleStoreChange;
var onNext = function () {
var previousResult = _this.result;
// We use `getCurrentResult()` instead of the onNext argument because
// the values differ slightly. Specifically, loading results will have
// an empty object for data instead of `undefined` for some reason.
var result = obsQuery.getCurrentResult();
// Make sure we're not attempting to re-render similar results
if (previousResult &&
previousResult.loading === result.loading &&
previousResult.networkStatus === result.networkStatus &&
equal(previousResult.data, result.data)) {
var onError = function (error) {
subscription = obsQuery.resubscribeAfterError(onNext, onError);
if (!hasOwnProperty.call(error, "graphQLErrors")) {
// The error is not a GraphQL error
throw error;
var previousResult = _this.result;
if (!previousResult ||
(previousResult && previousResult.loading) ||
!equal(error, previousResult.error)) {
data: (previousResult && previousResult.data),
error: error,
loading: false,
networkStatus: NetworkStatus.error,
var subscription = obsQuery.subscribe(onNext, onError);
// Do the "unsubscribe" with a short delay.
// This way, an existing subscription can be reused without an additional
// request if "unsubscribe" and "resubscribe" to the same ObservableQuery
// happen in very fast succession.
return function () {
setTimeout(function () { return subscription.unsubscribe(); });
_this.forceUpdate = function () { return _this.forceUpdateState(); };
}, [
// We memoize the subscribe function using useCallback and the following
// dependency keys, because the subscribe function reference is all that
// useSyncExternalStore uses internally as a dependency key for the
// useEffect ultimately responsible for the subscription, so we are
// effectively passing this dependency array to that useEffect buried
// inside useSyncExternalStore, as desired.
]), function () { return _this.getCurrentResult(); }, function () { return _this.getCurrentResult(); });
// TODO Remove this method when we remove support for options.partialRefetch.
return this.toQueryResult(result);
InternalState.prototype.useOptions = function (options) {
var _a;
var watchQueryOptions = this.createWatchQueryOptions((this.queryHookOptions = options));
// Update this.watchQueryOptions, but only when they have changed, which
// allows us to depend on the referential stability of
// this.watchQueryOptions elsewhere.
var currentWatchQueryOptions = this.watchQueryOptions;
if (!equal(watchQueryOptions, currentWatchQueryOptions)) {
this.watchQueryOptions = watchQueryOptions;
if (currentWatchQueryOptions && this.observable) {
// Though it might be tempting to postpone this reobserve call to the
// useEffect block, we need getCurrentResult to return an appropriate
// loading:true result synchronously (later within the same call to
// useQuery). Since we already have this.observable here (not true for
// the very first call to useQuery), we are not initiating any new
// subscriptions, though it does feel less than ideal that reobserve
// (potentially) kicks off a network request (for example, when the
// variables have changed), which is technically a side-effect.
// Make sure getCurrentResult returns a fresh ApolloQueryResult<TData>,
// but save the current data as this.previousData, just like setResult
// usually does.
this.previousData = ((_a = this.result) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.data) || this.previousData;
this.result = void 0;
// Make sure state.onCompleted and state.onError always reflect the latest
// options.onCompleted and options.onError callbacks provided to useQuery,
// since those functions are often recreated every time useQuery is called.
// Like the forceUpdate method, the versions of these methods inherited from
// InternalState.prototype are empty no-ops, but we can override them on the
// base state object (without modifying the prototype).
this.onCompleted =
options.onCompleted || InternalState.prototype.onCompleted;
this.onError = options.onError || InternalState.prototype.onError;
if ((this.renderPromises || this.client.disableNetworkFetches) &&
this.queryHookOptions.ssr === false &&
!this.queryHookOptions.skip) {
// If SSR has been explicitly disabled, and this function has been called
// on the server side, return the default loading state.
this.result = this.ssrDisabledResult;
else if (this.queryHookOptions.skip ||
this.watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy === "standby") {
// When skipping a query (ie. we're not querying for data but still want to
// render children), make sure the `data` is cleared out and `loading` is
// set to `false` (since we aren't loading anything).
// NOTE: We no longer think this is the correct behavior. Skipping should
// not automatically set `data` to `undefined`, but instead leave the
// previous data in place. In other words, skipping should not mandate that
// previously received data is all of a sudden removed. Unfortunately,
// changing this is breaking, so we'll have to wait until Apollo Client 4.0
// to address this.
this.result = this.skipStandbyResult;
else if (this.result === this.ssrDisabledResult ||
this.result === this.skipStandbyResult) {
this.result = void 0;
InternalState.prototype.getObsQueryOptions = function () {
var toMerge = [];
var globalDefaults = this.client.defaultOptions.watchQuery;
if (globalDefaults)
if (this.queryHookOptions.defaultOptions) {
// We use compact rather than mergeOptions for this part of the merge,
// because we want watchQueryOptions.variables (if defined) to replace
// this.observable.options.variables whole. This replacement allows
// removing variables by removing them from the variables input to
// useQuery. If the variables were always merged together (rather than
// replaced), there would be no way to remove existing variables.
// However, the variables from options.defaultOptions and globalDefaults
// (if provided) should be merged, to ensure individual defaulted
// variables always have values, if not otherwise defined in
// observable.options or watchQueryOptions.
toMerge.push(compact(this.observable && this.observable.options, this.watchQueryOptions));
return toMerge.reduce(mergeOptions);
// A function to massage options before passing them to ObservableQuery.
InternalState.prototype.createWatchQueryOptions = function (_a) {
var _b;
if (_a === void 0) { _a = {}; }
var skip = _a.skip, ssr = _a.ssr, onCompleted = _a.onCompleted, onError = _a.onError, defaultOptions = _a.defaultOptions,
// The above options are useQuery-specific, so this ...otherOptions spread
// makes otherOptions almost a WatchQueryOptions object, except for the
// query property that we add below.
otherOptions = __rest(_a, ["skip", "ssr", "onCompleted", "onError", "defaultOptions"]);
// This Object.assign is safe because otherOptions is a fresh ...rest object
// that did not exist until just now, so modifications are still allowed.
var watchQueryOptions = Object.assign(otherOptions, { query: this.query });
if (this.renderPromises &&
(watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy === "network-only" ||
watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy === "cache-and-network")) {
// this behavior was added to react-apollo without explanation in this PR
// https://github.com/apollographql/react-apollo/pull/1579
watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy = "cache-first";
if (!watchQueryOptions.variables) {
watchQueryOptions.variables = {};
if (skip) {
var _c = watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy, fetchPolicy = _c === void 0 ? this.getDefaultFetchPolicy() : _c, _d = watchQueryOptions.initialFetchPolicy, initialFetchPolicy = _d === void 0 ? fetchPolicy : _d;
// When skipping, we set watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy initially to
// "standby", but we also need/want to preserve the initial non-standby
// fetchPolicy that would have been used if not skipping.
Object.assign(watchQueryOptions, {
initialFetchPolicy: initialFetchPolicy,
fetchPolicy: "standby",
else if (!watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy) {
watchQueryOptions.fetchPolicy =
((_b = this.observable) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.options.initialFetchPolicy) ||
return watchQueryOptions;
InternalState.prototype.getDefaultFetchPolicy = function () {
var _a, _b;
return (((_a = this.queryHookOptions.defaultOptions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.fetchPolicy) ||
((_b = this.client.defaultOptions.watchQuery) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.fetchPolicy) ||
// Defining these methods as no-ops on the prototype allows us to call
// state.onCompleted and/or state.onError without worrying about whether a
// callback was provided.
InternalState.prototype.onCompleted = function (data) { };
InternalState.prototype.onError = function (error) { };
InternalState.prototype.useObservableQuery = function () {
// See if there is an existing observable that was used to fetch the same
// data and if so, use it instead since it will contain the proper queryId
// to fetch the result set. This is used during SSR.
var obsQuery = (this.observable =
(this.renderPromises &&
this.renderPromises.getSSRObservable(this.watchQueryOptions)) ||
this.observable || // Reuse this.observable if possible (and not SSR)
this.obsQueryFields = React.useMemo(function () { return ({
refetch: obsQuery.refetch.bind(obsQuery),
reobserve: obsQuery.reobserve.bind(obsQuery),
fetchMore: obsQuery.fetchMore.bind(obsQuery),
updateQuery: obsQuery.updateQuery.bind(obsQuery),
startPolling: obsQuery.startPolling.bind(obsQuery),
stopPolling: obsQuery.stopPolling.bind(obsQuery),
subscribeToMore: obsQuery.subscribeToMore.bind(obsQuery),
}); }, [obsQuery]);
var ssrAllowed = !(this.queryHookOptions.ssr === false || this.queryHookOptions.skip);
if (this.renderPromises && ssrAllowed) {
if (obsQuery.getCurrentResult().loading) {
// TODO: This is a legacy API which could probably be cleaned up
return obsQuery;
InternalState.prototype.setResult = function (nextResult) {
var previousResult = this.result;
if (previousResult && previousResult.data) {
this.previousData = previousResult.data;
this.result = nextResult;
// Calling state.setResult always triggers an update, though some call sites
// perform additional equality checks before committing to an update.
this.handleErrorOrCompleted(nextResult, previousResult);
InternalState.prototype.handleErrorOrCompleted = function (result, previousResult) {
var _this = this;
if (!result.loading) {
var error_1 = this.toApolloError(result);
// wait a tick in case we are in the middle of rendering a component
.then(function () {
if (error_1) {
else if (result.data &&
(previousResult === null || previousResult === void 0 ? void 0 : previousResult.networkStatus) !== result.networkStatus &&
result.networkStatus === NetworkStatus.ready) {
.catch(function (error) {
globalThis.__DEV__ !== false && invariant.warn(error);
InternalState.prototype.toApolloError = function (result) {
return isNonEmptyArray(result.errors) ?
new ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: result.errors })
: result.error;
InternalState.prototype.getCurrentResult = function () {
// Using this.result as a cache ensures getCurrentResult continues returning
// the same (===) result object, unless state.setResult has been called, or
// we're doing server rendering and therefore override the result below.
if (!this.result) {
this.handleErrorOrCompleted((this.result = this.observable.getCurrentResult()));
return this.result;
InternalState.prototype.toQueryResult = function (result) {
var queryResult = this.toQueryResultCache.get(result);
if (queryResult)
return queryResult;
var data = result.data, partial = result.partial, resultWithoutPartial = __rest(result, ["data", "partial"]);
this.toQueryResultCache.set(result, (queryResult = __assign(__assign(__assign({ data: data }, resultWithoutPartial), this.obsQueryFields), { client: this.client, observable: this.observable, variables: this.observable.variables, called: !this.queryHookOptions.skip, previousData: this.previousData })));
if (!queryResult.error && isNonEmptyArray(result.errors)) {
// Until a set naming convention for networkError and graphQLErrors is
// decided upon, we map errors (graphQLErrors) to the error options.
// TODO: Is it possible for both result.error and result.errors to be
// defined here?
queryResult.error = new ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: result.errors });
return queryResult;
InternalState.prototype.unsafeHandlePartialRefetch = function (result) {
// TODO: This code should be removed when the partialRefetch option is
// removed. I was unable to get this hook to behave reasonably in certain
// edge cases when this block was put in an effect.
if (result.partial &&
this.queryHookOptions.partialRefetch &&
!result.loading &&
(!result.data || Object.keys(result.data).length === 0) &&
this.observable.options.fetchPolicy !== "cache-only") {
Object.assign(result, {
loading: true,
networkStatus: NetworkStatus.refetch,
return InternalState;
//# sourceMappingURL=useQuery.js.map